Chapter 95

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"All rise for Queen Katherine of Locatlie, Queen of Locatlie, the world, and the Goddess of Seglusa." Wim stated and I looked at him with a small smile and I gave him a nod and he gave me a nod back as I then walked around the corner and through the doors.

There were hundreds of people here, currently standing and bowing their head, not looking into my eyes; everyone had ,apart from three men; my husbands.

I looked at Matt first and he was staring at me with a pride, that went through my whole fucking soul, and made me so fucking proud to be a person. Eric had a smirk on his face, as if he was proud that I was his, and his only. I then looked sideways, the other side of Matt, and I saw Eddie standing there. He was leaning on one leg, his hands together in a ball as he was staring at me with his face slightly sideways, staring at me in interest. I kept my eyes in his for the whole duration of the walk, my heart beating out of my chest. When I arrived at the kings and queens table, I saw Leila and Willow both having smiles on their faces, making me smile a tad. I then saw Danny following me walking with her eyes, while I walked past her, her moving her face. I then saw Lucas whom was kicked back slightly to give me a pat of approval and I smiled internally at that. I let out a relieved breath as I saw Oliver and I rubbed his back with a lot of excitement and he smiled a bit, biting his top lip. I knew that all the leaders were watching us right now, and the first person that I saw was Eric. He turned his head and he leaned down giving me a peck.

"What do I do with Ed?" I whispered softly against his lips as I gave him another peck.

"Kiss on the cheek, do the same with Matt." He whispered giving me another peck and I smiled and nodded at that as I gave Matt a kiss on his cheek and he winked looking at me. I then walked towards Eddie, whom leaned down right away and put his hand on my waist, and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I went and stood in between Matt and Eddie and I let out a small breath as I looked around for a second. My heart was beating out of my chest, with just the touch that Eddie gave me, with him standing next to me, it was as if there was a new person in me, as if I was the person I could be proud of, I could breathe.

Next to Eddie sat his sisters, and next to Eric the brothers, the kings. I then looked sideways and I saw that King Luther, King Daniel, King Christian and Queen Olivia were sitting with the 'loved ones' of the Kings and queens and I smiled a bit at that as I winked at Naomi, whom obviously didn't look up.

I looked around at all the leaders of the districts and second in commands and stuff like that and they all had their heads down, good. I looked at Wim now whom was awaiting my signal and he then hit the floor twice with a stick of sorts, to indicate that everyone could sit down. As they did that, I went and sat down, someone pushing my chair forward. I looked at the drink in front of me and it was water; good. Matt, Eric and I decided that I wouldn't drink alcohol this week, at least not tonight though, but yeah.

"You look wonderful." Matt sighed staring ahead.

"I'm sorry?" I replied with a huge smile looking at him and he winked looking at me. "Grumpy today or?"

"Naah." Matt said waving it away and I waved it away too and he chuckled at that.

"Can I say hello to Naomi really quickly?" I said looking at Matt, putting my hand on his arm and I could feel Eddie staring ahead, but he was glancing looks at me every now and then. "And your siblings?"

"Of course. You're the Queen, who am I to stop you?" He said and I smiled very widely as I leaned forward giving him a peck and he winked towards me. I stood up, and people looked up at me, but one look from Matt made them look away again. I pushed my chair, or tried to push my chair back forward and Matt and Eddie, both, put their hands on the side of the chair and pushed it.

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