Chapter 59

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When she was sent to Brusta, she apparently put up a fight. Or rather, when Eli tried to put the sedation in her neck. Apparently she bit him. I mean, if it didn't worry me that we would never get our Kitty back, I would've laughed at it and been proud of everything she had accomplished.

A week after she was sent to Brusta, we turned down all the TV's in the world and put a countdown; Kings of Hearts style. I had a statement that I had to make to the world. So when the whole world watched me walk towards the stand, with Eddie and Eric by my side; both standing and healthy, I knew that the world leaders were shocked. They were wondering why on earth they hadn't been taken down. Why we hadn't been taken down. Why we were standing here in front of them without any wounds. I mean Eddie and Eric both weren't wearing casts, but they were wearing a sling, but they didn't know that. They would never know that. They couldn't know that they had hurt us.

"This morning, all of the world leaders submitted to our request; bringing back our Queen to our country." I had said in my king voice. It had been the first time I made a statement; before this Eric had done so. I mean, we didn't really uphold the classic roles in terms of kingdoms anymore. Not since they were taken. Not since the war had started. But me? I had never made an appearance until now. "But the war is far from over." I had added. "Every world leader will step down as a leader and give the leadership to Locatlie as a way to repay us for our losses. To clarify; I'm not talking about the 98 people we lost in this war, nor my brother or sister. I'm talking about our losses as a civilisation on this world. Everyone in this world has lost someone because of the incompatibility of leadership from the current leaders of the world." I had added. "It is clear that they are not fit to lead, or they would not have tried to do something so incredibly stupid." Eddie and Eric had giggled at that comment. " If the world leader don't give up their leadership to us and surrender in person, their whole country will cease to resist. I do want to make it immensely clear that I don't meant that one leader will step down and another will lead. No. No country is allowed to have power over their own country anymore. It has become abundantly clear that they aren't fit to lead. We will take over. If they don't surrender within a week, we will burn their country to the ground the same way we did to India. There will be no country left." I said calmly and I knew that the world was holding in their breath. I knew that the common people were currently sobbing into the arms of their loved ones, petrified of the ego's of their leaders. I knew that Amar and his two idiots were currently sobbing in their cells, realising just what they had done.

But I wasn't done yet, I would light a fire under the leaders asses. "I now speak directly to you." I said calmly, looking straight into the camera. "To the common people, to the people whom work hard every day, and live from pay check to pay check, whom has felt powerless in the past two years. Recapture the power. Fight your leaders. Fight the system that only brought you war and pain. In our leadership Poverty won't exist. In our leadership your friends nor family has to die because they don't have money for food nor medication. Fight for your leaders. Fight for your life." I then put my hands together in the way I always did. "The leaders have 24 hours to summit their surrender and overturn their power to us, to Locatlie. They will then come to Locatlie where they will sign over the rights of power to Locatlie. How that will happen, you will hear from the person you speak."

Forty leaders called us up in the first half hour after the press conference. Some took a bit more time, but there were riots all over the world against their leaders. They didn't want to die because of the stupidity of their leaders. So, after the 24 hours, the world was ours.

The whole world was ours and that meant change, not only for the world, but also how we would rule. But we had a plan for this. We had a ten year plan for this, but the first year would be the most important.

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