Chapter 81

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Three nights later we were all sitting by the campfire; well all? It were all the Kings and Queens with their loved ones and then the parents of them. And of course Aunty Carrie with her two sons, whom were basically part of this tight knight group of family. I was sitting next to Eric and he had a small smile on his face the whole time. Everyone was talking and I loved seeing the vibe.

"I have a weird question for everyone here." Naomi said after a while as I was a bit chilly and Eric right away leaned back and gave me a blanket. I smiled and gave him a thankful nod. "Was there ever talks of Oliver becoming the fourth king of Locatlie?" She asked and I looked at her and I frowned; I hadn't even thought about this. Oliver took a sip of his drink and looked at Matt; he didn't know the answer to this question either. I looked at Matt whom stared at Naomi and then at Oliver.

"Yes and no." Matt said calmly, his voice was so calming, so perfect. Sigh. "There weren't official talks of him becoming the fourth king during the war, but he was doing kinglike tasks during the war; but all my siblings were, but he was doing more." Matt said and Naomi nodded at that. "I did think about it for two weeks, as he was really good at what he did, but then the new world initiative was implemented. I thought about splitting the world into four to get him to stay with us, but there were two reasons why I didn't do it."

Oliver stared at Matt in shock, everyone did, apart from Eric and Eddie whom seemed to know this already.

"And those reasons are?"

"For one, the most obvious; The world is too big. The second, and the most leading one is, is that I believe that everyone should marry whom they love. If he were to become the King of Locatlie, he'd have to be married to the current Queen of Locatlie; Kitty. I didn't think that was fair for Oliver. I'm sure they would've made it work, regardless, but still. That isn't fair."

"I hadn't even thought about that." Naomi said looking at Oliver whom looked anywhere but dear me. "Is he free to marry already? I heard something about your cousin William not being abled to be in the running to the throne because he married?"

"That's where things get complicated." Matt said and I smiled a bit as I sat forward and grabbed a drink before leaning back and sitting a bit against Eric, whom put his arm over the log behind us. "We have collected our sperm and eggs, so children can be made whenever need be." He said and I stared at Matt in shock for a second, before realising that I already knew this. "But, if one of us dies, we can't rule the world with the two of us."

"So, when is the deadline?" Naomi asked. "Like, when is it going to be ok for us to marry?" She said and Oliver smiled looking at her.

"I think the moment that I've taken them back in my lives." I said, as I saw Matt trying to decide how to phrase it. "And when there is at least a possibility of me actually having their children and ready for that."


"Because before a child of ours is born, I am required to marry whomever is the spare, in case of emergency right?" I said and Eric nodded looking at me. "After that, if one of them dies, I wouldn't have to marry in this case Oliver. We wouldn't need to be in a relationship, but only my children would be able to be Kings, not yours with him."

"So the moment you're back with them, we can get married."


"Ok." Naomi said. "I think I can wait that long."

"You've only been together for like six months."

"You got married after what? A couple of weeks?" Oliver replied and Naomi frowned at that and I chuckled.

"Fair. But then again, have you seen Eric's butt?" I replied.

"I have." Oliver said and I chuckled at that.

"But what if, god forbids." Leila stated. "You would have to get married to Oliver, what then?" She asked me.

"We'd be best friends and I'll allow him to have one official mistress." I said casually looking at her.

"But you'd also have to give him a fair shot at the you know, heir?"

"I'll get one son with the two remaining, and then do IVF with his sperm." I said

"You've thought about it?" Eddie said confused.

"Of course. I already lost one husband." I replied dryly to him. "If one of you hadn't been twins, I would've had to get married to Oliver so you know." I said with a shrug and they nodded carefully. "If it wasn't for Naomi we'd be chill best friends and I do think he is an attractive person and I know that my tits aren't what he wants, but it would've worked."

"Yeah." Oliver said looking at Naomi whom smiled looking at him.

"There is one flaw to your plan." Luther said after a minute of silence.

"And that is?"

"Naomi wouldn't be allowed to be the mistress."

"Why not?" I said with a frown.

"At least not until you have three sons." Luther said "Or if you give him official permission, like my mother did to my father. You'd religiously always be married, and in name, but not legally. So he isn't required to legally be with you."

"We talked about it once." Oliver said after a while staring at me and I stared back at him and I frowned. "We were drunk. We'd be best friends and do our physical duty and you'd let me have a mistress if need be to be happy and shit. So you could be the dirty mistress whenever it would legally be allowed." I smiled a bit at that.

"Then I'll get a surrogate to get three sons so he can be happy." I snapped back at Luther annoyed and Luther smiled a bit at that but shook his head. "And anyway, it's not going to happen is it? Or is one of you planning on dying on me?"

"No." Eric said.

"Good. Let's talk about something else then."


"Because I don't like talking bout the deaths of my husbands, especially seeing that we're in a weird place right now." I said and Willow smiled at that.

"Have you been with someone else, willingly?" Willow asked and I stared at her with a frown. "Kissing? Or something else?"

"Yeah." I confirmed and Matt snapped his head. "Oliver, I pecked him, but all of you were present with that." I said and Willow had the biggest smile ever on her face.

"Have you kissed them?" Danny asked pointing to my husbands.

"No. I think it will only be fair to kiss them when I know my mind isn't as fucked up anymore."

"But you are going to go back to them eventually though? Or is that still unclear?" Willow asked and I nodded looking at her.

"Of course. I think I love them." I replied to her and she nodded. "Just not yet."

"Cool. Cool. Cool." Willow said and I saw my three husbands smirking.

"Stop smirking."

I chuckled slightly at that as I let out a deep breath as I fell asleep right after that conversation.

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