Chapter Twelve

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My head...

I woke up with a monster headache, I don't know what happened last night or why I was feeling this way. My eyelids had a ton of weight on them making it difficult for me to even open my eyes.

I yawned and stretched my body. My lips were chapped, and my mouth had dried up. I groaned with the blinding headache before retreating under the covers.

Why was the room so bright? Didn't I draw the curtains last night? I don't remember... I don't even remember how I got to my room and my bed.

"Evangeline..." a deep voice resounded throughout my room.

Someone said my name with such venom that I flinched in my sleep. It wasn't Scott, I knew that much. I prayed that it wasn't Nikolai. Please, don't be Nikolai. I don't think I can talk to him with so much weight over my head.

Pushing aside everything I was feeling, I forced a droopy eyelid open.

I propped up on my elbows and leaned my head against the soft headboard. I opened both of my eyes with such difficulty that it was so painful. The sunlight burned into my eyes making me groan with pain. I had never experienced such a bad case of headache in my life before.

I glanced at the muscled figure standing before the windows, his back was facing me. He had his hands tucked into his pockets, his shoulders were squared, and his legs were wide apart.

He was wearing a dark grey suit, his hair was combed back, and he smelled divine. His scent was almost mind-boggling. He glanced at me from over his shoulder making goosebumps erupt over my entire body and a shiver ran down my spine.

bluish-grey devilish eyes...

I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth as anxiety brewed in my chest. He turned and I finally got a good look at his face. 

His dark gaze flicked in my direction and blood, veins and everything inside of me went cold. An ache pulsed behind my eyes as I stared back into Nikolai's dark and intense gaze.

He approached the bed with cold and calculative steps, anger radiated off his body. I could tell he was furious, his eyes were the most expressive feature about him, and right now, his eyes only carried pure rage.

I swallowed, not taking my eyes off his face. I know he doesn't like it when I don't look at him while we talk. And this... this heavy, suffocating silence felt like we were talking... more like he was yelling at me and I was silently listening.

He stopped when his knees slightly grazed my bed. Intimidated by his dominating presence and his emotionless gaze, I looked down, my gaze resting on my duvet.

"Did you get drunk last night?" he asked, the bite of his words touched the back of my neck.

My heart turned cold in my chest. The room grew smaller, the wall closed in on me.

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