Chapter Fifty

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Guys, Evangeline is a little slow to understand some things, it's intentional, she may have been kidnapped but she is still the same girl who still doesn't know shit. 😂

I entered the gym and glanced at his back

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I entered the gym and glanced at his back. He was facing the boxing ring as he took off his t-shirt, leaving him only in black boxer shorts.

I kept standing by the door unsure of what I am supposed to do. Am I supposed to warm up or something?

If it was before, I would have confidently walked up to him and asked him what I am supposed to do but now I felt so out of place. It felt like we were strangers. He belonged to someone else. There was a wall between us now that I didn't want to break down.

Last night just proved how he would never fall for someone like me. So much has happened between us, the good and the bad. I don't know where we stand. When is all this going to end? How is all this going to end? After he gets married, what am I supposed to do? Where am I supposed to live because I refuse to be someone's dirty little secret, not after my own parents made me one.

"Get in the ring,"

I got startled by his sudden order. His voice sounded so brusque almost as if he was furious with me. I frowned, was it because he called me disrespectful? The only person who is disrespectful to everyone in his circle is him.

Someone needs a reality check.

I pressed my lips together and with slumped shoulders, I headed towards the ring. He handed me the boxing gloves and hesitantly took them from his hands, putting them on.

"I don't feel like boxing today..."

I haven't slept, I didn't feel like eating anything, I had cried the whole night, and my head hurts.

"Do I look like I care?"

"Can we do something else today?" I asked

"No, we can't," he lightly pushed me toward the ring with his hand on my back. "Get in."

I did as I was told. I didn't want him to get another excuse to scold me or insult me. He wasn't wearing the training kit today, I noticed that he was also wearing his boxing gear, gloves, and all. Was he expecting me to fight him? He'd kill me in a second.

"Now, today I want you to defend yourself."

He adjusted my posture, touching me a little too much for my liking. He was engaged, I was in love with him and it wasn't a good combination. Warmth pooled between my legs and he trailed his hands up and down my body. His touch feels insanely forbidden now that his fiancée is living here with us.

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