Chapter Eighty-Three

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I grabbed two plates of lasagne the cook has made for me and walked out of the house

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I grabbed two plates of lasagne the cook has made for me and walked out of the house. Lorenzo stood at the side, his hawk eyes traveling everywhere.


He turned to me, and the scar on his face looked really red in the morning light, "Yes?"

"Did you have lunch?"

His eyebrows pinched together, and he looked down at the plates in my hand and then back at my face. I offered him a plate with a smile.

"I really don't like to eat alone..."

The hesitation on his face was clear as day, he doesn't take bathroom breaks or food breaks, he only smokes and makes sure nothing gets to me and I'm perfectly protected.

"Please, almost thirty soldiers are at the gates right now, I don't think anyone can get past them without alerting the whole army of you guys. So, it's okay for you to take a few minutes off."

He reluctantly nodded and I handed him the plate. My gaze wandered to the giant metal gates. They were huge but you could see the street ahead from between its slits.

I sat on the stoop stair while Lorenzo kept standing upright. He stood behind me right now, I could hear him sigh every two seconds as we silently ate our meal.

"He is not coming, Mrs. Costello."

My head snapped in his direction, my lips parted. I got up and faced him; no one here talked about him. They avoided talking about him in front of me, and whenever I asked where he was, they'd excuse themselves and go elsewhere. This is the first time Lorenzo told me something about him, "Do you know where he is?"

Lorenzo opened and closed his mouth before he shook his head, "Stop waiting for him, Mrs. Costello. He has no plan of getting back to you."

I swallowed thickly, "Where is he?"

"I'm not allowed to say..."

"Where is he, Lorenzo?"

"My loyalties lie with Don Niko."

"And I'm his wife, you should be loyal to me too!"

"I'm loyal to you, I will protect you with my life but I don't take orders from you. I only take orders from your husband."

I nodded, Lorenzo was one of his closest men, so it's understandable that he will not do anything without Nikolai's order; most importantly he can't go against Nikolai's order.

"Is he alright? Is he fine, Lorenzo? I'm just concerned for him... please, tell me."

"He has a lot of places here in New York City, he is fine, he isn't hurt in any way. He is living his life just like he was living before you and I think it's time that you live your life and stop worrying about him. He isn't coming back to you, Mrs. Costello."

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