Chapter 16: Rejection

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They ran out of the caves into the light. The sun exposed each of their grief-stricken faces. Gandalf had fallen. There was no way around it.

Evangeline clutched at her chest. Her throbbing heart threatened to shatter. Death had knocked on her door and once more, a wizard had fallen.

"The mere dropping of bones in a well should not have awakened such a demon," Legolas told Aragorn. "Something powerful was at work."

"Does it follow?" Aragorn asked.

"No. But it is not Saruman. He lost his hold on us when we entered the caves. It seems-"

"Legolas," Aragorn stopped him. "It matters not."

Legolas looked back at the mountain behind them.

Evangeline clenched her fist at her side. She wasn't even looking at him and she could feel his anger at himself. "Stop. There is nothing you could have done."

Legolas stared at her.

Evangeline tensed. His gaze was like the water, flowing through her façade. She could not hide it. He saw who she was really blaming for Gandalf's fall.

"And neither you," he said.

She could not bear them both: the guilt of another wizard's death and someone seeing her so clearly. A shockwave of emotion tore out from her. "Silence! You don't know anything!"

Several eyes nearby flew in their direction, but Legolas ignored them. He firmly started, "Evangeline, I know enough about you to know that it was not your-"

"Tampa (silence)!" She lowered her voice. "You do not know me, elf prince. You cannot possibly understand my failures."

The coldness in the way she addressed him was enough for Legolas to step back. Evangeline turned away and walked to where Boromir was comforting Merry and Pippin.

"Boromir! Evangeline! Gather the hobbits. We must make for the forests of Lothlorien," Aragorn called.

Evangeline could not look at Aragorn. How can one even speak my name? A name meaning "good news." Two wizards. Two deaths.

"Give them a moment for pity's sake!" Boromir said, his voice was choked full of emotion.

Evangeline wanted to agree, desiring nothing more than to sink into her grief, but she knew what was to come. "These hills will be swarming with orcs by nightfall, and we will not have a chance against them," she said bitterly.

Boromir was reluctant, but proceeded to help the two hobbits up. Evangeline went over to Sam.

"Where is Frodo?" she inquired. She looked in the direction Sam faced. Several dozen feet away stood Frodo. With the ring exposed in his open hand, he looked back at Evangeline. A single tear fell from his eyes. No one felt the dagger of sorrow as strongly as he did. Evangeline would have moved to console him, but Aragorn was headed towards him. After helping everyone up, Aragorn led the way.

They ran across the low hills bordering the mountains. Evangeline's emotions were forced behind as her desire to survive took over. Patches of snow littered the ground as they descended towards the forests of Lothlorien. Once the forest was in sight, they paused to allow the hobbits to catch their breath.

It was a mistake for Evangeline. The searing taunts swarmed over her. Why! Why did he let go? Then she remembered. If he did not stay behind to fight the demon, they would have all died. Why did I not stay? She lifted her hand in front of her face as if to ward off the attacks that she felt inside. There was a stream ahead that instantly froze.

Element of the Heart - A Lord of the Rings/Legolas FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now