Chapter 32: Falling

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At the tenth lash, her head jerked back and her eyes flashed a brighter sapphire than they ever did before.

Gandalf knew the possibility of Estelwen surviving was slim to none. Saruman doesn't like his chances. If he has not tortured Estelwen to death, if she is still alive, he will use her as a bargaining chip and kill her as soon as he gets what he wants.

Merry and Pippin stood on a rock in front of the company, unaware of Estelwen's situation and proudly smoking to celebrate their co-victory with the Ents. Gandalf turned to the massive tree moving towards him. "Ah! Master Treebeard."

"Welcome, Gandalf," the tree extended its limbs, "to the ruins of Isengard."

"Well done."

"Has anyone come from the tower since?" Gimli said.

"Saruman? He has not mustered the courage to show his face." Treebeard bowed, quite pleased with himself. He could not sense their urgency.

Legolas started, "Have you heard anything, a cry or a-"

"We will take it from here," Gandalf said, almost too lightly. After Treebeard left, Gandalf turned to Legolas. "Whenever the Ents have met an earthborn, it has always caused drastic changes for them. They need not know unless absolutely necessary!"

Legolas nodded.

Pippin suddenly looked around. "Where is Estelwen? It does not seem like her to stay out of-"

"The fighting?" Merry finished with worry in his eyes.

Gandalf knew what he was thinking. "No, Merry, she did not fall in battle." He turned towards Saruman's tower. "Not yet."


Gríma held a small dagger to Estelwen's throat. She hadn't opened her eyes yet, causing him to look at her curiously. Was she even aware that her life hung on a thread – one that steel and revenge could easily snap? Gríma was ready to play this out. The wizards would be too involved with each other to notice the rising pawn. He lingered behind while Saruman stepped into the light on the balcony.

Saruman raised his staff. "You were foolish to come, Gandalf!"

A ball of fire shot from the tower, engulfing Gandalf. The horses almost bolted from the heat, but their riders kept them from running off. The flames died away, revealing the white wizard unharmed.

Gandalf looked up. "Saruman, your staff is broken!"

Saruman's staff shattered in his hands. He trembled in shock. Gandalf should not have been able to do that so easily. How could he have been granted so much power? "You think you have won?" he shouted in disgust. "The race of men are no match for the forces of Mordor!"

"The Dark Lord underestimates the courage and spirit of men, and that will be his downfall," Aragorn said.

"Aye!" Gimli added.

Saruman ignored him. "You have sent the hobbits to their well as the earthborn."

Aragorn turned alarmingly to his left, but Legolas was not there.

"Where is she?" Gandalf demanded.

Gríma approached the balcony dragging Estelwen. The sunlight glinted off the dagger for all to see.

Gandalf glanced at the king before turning back to Saruman. "Set her free. She is of no use to you."

"I demand safe passage to Mordor!"

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