Chapter 19: Breaking the Ice

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When everyone had gathered together, Galadriel bid them farewell. Before they left, Estelwen was privileged to witness Frodo's gift: a clear hollow crystal that contained the light of the Eӓrendil star. "May it be a light to you in dark places when all other lights go out," Galadriel told him.

In addition to Galadriel's gifts, the elves supplied them with cloaks and lembas bread. The Fellowship loaded into the boats in silence. Through the elves' generosity, they were filled with anticipation for their quest, and each of their minds were heavy with new knowledge.

Aragorn asked Estelwen to travel with him, Sam, and Frodo in the lead boat, just in case her skill was needed. She agreed, especially since she could tell he worried about their pursuers. Legolas and Gimli were in another boat, while Boromir took Merry and Pippin in a third. Boromir was particularly watchful over the two, and Estelwen was grateful for it.

The wide river was lined with thick forests on both sides of its banks. As the boats floated quickly along the water, Estelwen half expected to see Aragorn relax a little. Instead, his face was tense and he paddled fiercely. After an hour or so, Legolas called out to them, "They are gaining on us!"

Estelwen glared into the woods. She could not see anything past the first layer of trees. It is a wonder that Legolas can see anything. But she did not doubt his sight.

Aragorn scanned the forests quickly before looking ahead. "Estelwen, is there anything you can do to speed our way?"

Estelwen hesitated. An idea formed in her head. "Let me move to the back of the boat." She shuffled to the back and stood. She took a deep breath and raised her hands over the water. From their boats, Boromir and Legolas watched her curiously. If their situation was not urgent, Estelwen would have been embarrassed with the attention. She had not used her element in a while, and it felt like ages since she had tapped into the energy of such a large body of water. Frowning with concentration, she connected with the water. It rippled, making it known that she could pull out a stream at a moment's notice. But that will not help us. She thought for a moment. I cannot move the boats, but the water can. She could feel Aragorn's stress; it was more than they rest of theirs combined. He was their leader, and he felt responsible regardless of whether something was his fault or not. Estelwen released the feelings as a burst of energy into the water, shooting their boat forward almost twenty feet. Aragorn almost banged his head on the boat. Sam and Frodo cried out in shock.

"That can work," Aragorn got up eagerly. "But try dispersing amongst all three boats."

"Lest we all get seasick," Sam mumbled, holding his stomach.

"You'll have to come up with a new name, Sam, since we aren't at sea," Frodo said, offering a sympathetic smile.

"Very well," Estelwen replied. Her heart was racing with adrenaline. "But do not disturb me." Using someone else's emotions to fuel her connection with water took a lot of her energy, but it was necessary. She focused on pushing the water behind the three boats. They moved slower than the one during her outburst, but they were still going faster than the river. By entangling herself in her thoughts and the motives of those around her, she was able to distract herself from her tiredness. Beads of sweat dripped down her face as she held her position for nearly an hour.

"Estelwen, we are far enough ahead," Aragorn said worriedly. She's becoming pale. They needed the advantage, but not at the expense of her getting wounded or worse.

Keeping her eyes closed, she managed to shoot out, "You know it is not enough! A little longer." Everyone else stayed silent, afraid that their words might distract or hurt her. Twenty minutes later, her breaths started sounding short and jagged.

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