Chapter 18: Estelwen

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Galadriel promise was carried out to the fullest. The elves of Lórien bestowed the company with lavish gifts that not only suited their journey, but them personally. To Legolas, she gave a Galadhrim bow strung with elf hair. Elegant carvings were etched into the dark wood. As he pulled the string taunt, Galadriel smiled her approval.

Merry and Pippin received daggers, ones that had been formerly used in war. Pippin held his uncertainly.

"Do not fear, young Peregrin Took, you will find your courage," Galadriel said.

Evangeline nodded and smiled at him, causing Pippin to return a timid one of his own.

Sam was handed rope made of Hithlain. It felt smooth and light against his hands but he knew it would never break. Thankful as he was, he had a lingering desire. "Have you run out of those not-shiny daggers?"

Galadriel smiled and moved ahead. She knew of Sam's bravery, but what he did not know was that the rope would aid his courage much better than any dagger. She approached Gimli.

"And what would a dwarf ask of the elves?" she asked solemnly.

Gimli's head was bowed in respect, but he slowly raised it to gaze upon the Lady of Light. "Nothing, except to look upon the Lady Galadriel one last time. For she is fairer than all the jewels under the mountain, and her gentle words are lovelier than music."

Galadriel laughed, the very sound like the trickling of a spring. Gimli turned away, embarrassed. But gaining some courage, he managed to whisper his wish into her ear. Galadriel's smile was all the more brilliant. Speaking to the other elves, she said, "Let it never be said again that dwarves are ungracious and unhonorable. Gimli, I will grant you your request."

After the men, hobbits, elf and dwarf received their gifts, only the earthborn remained. Galadriel stood in front of her. "And to you, Evangeline, we give a new name."

The line of the Fellowship turned to watch her. Legolas could not believe his ears. Names were precious and sacred. Why would Galadriel change it? Was Evangeline no longer "good news" to the company, to him?

She is more than that to you.

Surprised, Legolas turned to Galadriel. She smiled as she continued out loud, "A name that reflects your choice, your path. May the Valar always be with you, Estelwen."

At the sound of the name, the earthborn's eyes flashed sapphire. As the resonating sound settled into her ears and those of her companions, her eyes resumed their earthy brown. She rose with a renowned purpose, a peace that she could not shake. Legolas instantly knew that this wasn't the same distressed woman that came to him the night before. Somewhere, somehow, she was reborn. Estelwen. Hope. It was a fitting name.

"Through an earthborn, Middle Earth was thrown into chaos. May you path lead you to bringing about the peace to restore the land." Galadriel then nodded towards her right, and Haldir stepped forth. He did not look at Estelwen with dissent. Although his face stayed impassive to most, Estelwen could not mistake the newfound glimmer of respect.

"No matter what you have chosen, the elves of Lórien will not let you leave empty-handed. The craftsman have been late at their work to replace what was once lost." Haldir gestured behind him, and an elf in a black apron came forth with a cloth in his hand. Haldir unfolded the cloth to produce two silver-toned daggers. He handed them to the earthborn.

Estelwen ran her finger along the blades she already knew were sharp. Beautiful, dangerous, and precise. They were hers.

Haldir sighed. Although he was not ready to love the dwarves as friends, he was ready to obey Galadriel's commands. And a part of him knew he would regret leaving Estelwen without trying to level what had happened the night before. "I hope you will"

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