Chapter 28: Grave Tidings

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Estelwen's hands clasped limply around Legolas' waist as they rode to Helm's Deep. She was silent throughout the ride.

Hoping, praying, wondering, and hoping. Would Aragorn make it? Would he come back?

It was impossible not to know what Estelwen was thinking. Eventually, Legolas felt her face rest against his back. She is asleep. Temporary relief brushed past him when he realized what he might have to do. He hated it. Hated the fact he had to consider the words, "What if?"


If that mortal, if that king of men did not return...

Those two words were powerful, much more that Legolas had ever thought before. The earthborn behind him was stronger in ways he never would be. Yet, those two words will break her. He could not do it. He could not tell her.

Aragorn will return. He must! Legolas thought before he could stop himself.

Up ahead was the fortress of Rohan's keep, forged within the side of the mountain. The men who built it were far from amateurs. A massive stone wall surrounded the keep where the mountain did not. There were no windows or openings through the stone, save for a small, gated drain used to allow in fresh stream water. The wide gates were the only way to enter. They groaned heavily while they opened for Théoden and his remaining Riders.

Legolas passed through the doors when he heard the wild whine of a horse. Estelwen stirred behind him. Legolas instinctually moved his horse to the side just as a brown steed rampaged out of the keep. The Riders were too tired to chase after it, and simply moved out of the way.

"Hasufel!" Estelwen cried. She slid down and watched as Aragorn's former steed raced away from Helm's Deep. Legolas dismounted and stood next to her. The rest of the men continued inside the gates. Estelwen did not move her eyes from the direction Hasufel had gone.

"Estelwen..." Legolas touched her arm. Please come inside. She was not bleeding profusely, but the grazes on her arm and leg needed to be cleaned before they became infected. She needs to take care of herself. None of the company had washed in days. Estelwen had dark circles under her eyes from little rest, and her hair was tangled and dirty from the battle.

She is not going to leave, he realized in dismay. He decided to bring Arod in. He passed by Théoden just as he gave orders for the gates to be closed.

"Estelwen is out there," Legolas protested.

"Best call her in then!"

Legolas hurried past the men towards the gates. Women and children were everywhere, not just men. It was clear the Helm's Deep wasn't made to hold a whole town for more than a few days, only a week or two at most. He finally made it out of the maze of people.

"Estelwen, come before the gates are closed."

She didn't turn around. "Thank you. I will stay here for the night."

He clenched his jaw. "The purpose of a kingdom's keep is to protect the people who come to it inside."

"I know."


As the hours of the night bid her welcome, Estelwen huddled next to the wall of Helm's Deep. The air was cool, but to her, it was tinged with a bitter cold. She was thankful that she always kept her pack with her, and pulled out a small blanket. She wrapped it around her shoulders and continued to watch where Hasufel had gone. She knew Legolas was frustrated with her after he tried to persuade her to come inside. It did not end well, with her staunchly refusing and him stomping back into the keep. Yet again, it was not something she could do. She had to wait.

Element of the Heart - A Lord of the Rings/Legolas FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now