Chapter 34: Embrace

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"Are ye going to stay sober all night, laddie?"

Legolas looked down at his bearded friend.

"Don't tell me ye are the only elf that doesn't drink!" Gimli said.

"The celebration has only just begun. There is still time."

Gimli held up his mug and swirled the drink around.

All Legolas could see was the top layer of foam. He frowned. Definitely is not wine. "And you wish for me to drink that?"

"No." Gimli smiled mischievously. "I dare ye to."

Legolas stood up and walked towards the man at the counter, who was filling mugs with liquid from the large barrels. "I shall take one."

The man set his own drink down. "How large?"

"Ask for a few pints!" Gimli hollered.

Legolas raised his eyebrows. He walked over to one of the barrels and peered into it.

The bartender looked at him quizzically before breaking into a full-bellied laughed. "'Tis ale, not poison!" He grabbed a mug and began filling it up. "But start with one anyway before you decide on listening to your friend there." There was no response, but the man took it as a yes. When the ale reached the brim of the mug, he turned around. But the elf's attention was no longer on the ale. It was on the fairy-like creature that had just entered into their makeshift tavern. Her looks and stature gave the suggestion of a young maiden, but her reputation proceeded her, and the man knew better. Fresh battle scars gave tribute to the time she fought with the men at Helm's Deep. She walked with the purpose of a warrior and the grace of a woman. The man set the ale aside.

Legolas stared at Estelwen, remembering how they first had met. The mysterious maiden at the Mirkwood ball was cautious, beautiful, and slightly timid though she was brave enough to ask him to dance. At that time, he could not help but feel fond and protective of her innocence and joy. However, the woman that now entered the room commanded much more than his sword and his attention. He forced himself to break from the spell-like aura and walk towards her.

Aragorn had reached her first. "Estelwen, how do you feel?"

"I am better, thank you." She fondly stroked the ivory dress that Éowyn was gracious to lend her. Her ebony hair, which now fell to her shoulder blades, stood out against the light dress. The wispy layers and elbow length sleeves made her feel both elegant and comfortable. She promised to take good care of this one.

"Glad you decided to come. Make sure you enjoy yourself."

Estelwen smiled, thankful that he did not ask what caused her change of mind. She would not know how to answer. Her heart sped up as she sensed Legolas coming her way. When he was only an arm's length from her, she finally looked at him.

The two stared, both in awe, both with questions of their own.

Aragorn, now feeling certain why Estelwen decided to come, returned to his seat. The lively music began, summoning couples up from their seats to dance.

Legolas felt as if the world was transforming every moment, as if everyone was made of shapes and air, but Estelwen was the sharpest being in sight, cutting through his world like the rarest of diamonds, changing it so it would never be the same again. Legolas struggled to break from her spell-like gaze. He held out his hand. "Lle merna salk?"

Estelwen slid her hand into his. "It would be my pleasure."

He led her into his arms and twirled her onto the center of the floor. For a moment, Estelwen wondered if this would be as enchanting as their first dance in Mirkwood. She was reminded by the mugs banging on the wooden tables and the loud, deep laughter that they were not at an elven ball. After one last twirl, Legolas pulled her close and she gazed into his soul. It left her breathless. She realized that in Mirkwood, she had been enraptured by the ethereal atmosphere and the handsome stranger who had claimed her last dance. Legolas was no longer a stranger. His strength and skills never ceased to amaze her, but she now knew of the burdens he had carried with him for centuries. They each fought for the same things – for peace, families, and the survival of Middle Earth – yet they were different. He was strong, consistent, and calm like a forest. If he had a change of mind, it was slow and steady. She was spontaneous, and stayed open to the call of her heart. It had taken a while for her to realize that it was not always the most considerable way to act. The lives of many were at stake and she needed to consider the wisdom of her friends before making drastic decisions. She shook her head at herself, thinking how she had run off to protect the villagers without telling anyone. She should have had let Legolas, Aragorn, or one of them know regardless of what they would have told her. It would not have changed her decision, but at least they would have known that she was not running away or dead.

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