Chapter 33: Restless

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It was night by the time the company reached Rohan. They lay Estelwen in an extra room next to Éowyn's in the Great Hall. The plant Legolas had found was working quickly and had closed her wounds. However, her skin had not regained its color, and she did not give any sign of regaining consciousness. The village women gave her new clothes and quickly redressed her wounds. After, there was nothing anyone could do.

Except wait.

When the others turned in to their rooms and homes for the night, Legolas could not bring himself to leave Estelwen. He placed a wooden stool next to her bed and sat down. He clasped his bow in his hands. His mind was tormented. Deep down, he thought he believed she would wake. At the same time, he was terrified that every time she breathed, it would be her last. Since she had been captured, he realized that no sound would terrify him more than the absence of her heartbeat. The night was too still, and his thoughts roamed far and wide in the silence. However, when the midnight wind picked up and blew through the trees, it calmed the weary elf's ears and swept him into a dreamless sleep.

He awoke before the first light, hearing footsteps making their way towards the room. Remembering that he had not told anyone of his intentions to watch over Estelwen, he quietly slipped out so as not to disturb the woman coming to check on her. He started through the hall, but a sound from the room stopped him in his tracks.


"Easy, child. You have been through much, but you are safe now, in Rohan."

"And the others? Emilia?"

"They are safe and well."

Legolas tried to relax. It was good that she woke to someone she knew, someone who could help calm her. He did not want to disturb them yet so he waited, listening.

Morwen cleared her voice. "You have done much for our people and you will always have our thanks."

Estelwen's voice was weak, but the heart behind it was strong. "You are all a people worth fighting for."

The stool creaked when Morwen seated herself. "You have suffered more than most. Though your wounds have mostly healed on the surface, there is deeper damage done. You would be better off laying your sword aside."

"Of course I won't do anything foolish now. I know they want me to rest, and I need it."

"You misunderstand." Morwen spoke directly but slowly. "You may never fight again." A sharp inhale was quickly cut off. "Yes, you need time to heal, but we don't know how long. I know you have the skill to wield your sword, but as far as carrying it out, we cannot-"

"Rohan should not have to send men to protect me during a battle in which they are trying to protect themselves," Estelwen said stiffly. "I understand, Morwen. Thank you."

Morwen left quietly. It was not easy to tell the girl she should not fight. Even if the torn muscles should mend in some way, they were permanently damaged. In other words, if Estelwen ever found the need to lift a sword again, she would never be able to fight how she used to.

Legolas walked in with his gaze cast down to the floor. "This is my fault. I should have never hidden the truth from you."

His distraught appearance made it clear that this was no jest. Estelwen stared at him. "What," she swallowed, "did you not tell me?"

"The wargs. Those three that we had fought should have tried to kill you instantly, not corner you. It was then I knew they wanted you alive. It was why I did not wish for you to fight at Helm's Deep."

Element of the Heart - A Lord of the Rings/Legolas FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now