Chapter 7: The Invitation

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Legolas and Aragorn entered the great throne room of Mirkwood. King Thranduil, seated on his throne, was discussing something with an advisor. When he saw who his visitors were, he dismissed his advisor and stood. Legolas and Aragorn bowed in respect, Aragorn doing so on his knees.
Thranduil's icy eyes were so fixed upon his son that he had forgotten to nod back – the courteous response to their bow. "You were gone much longer than expected, ion nin (my son)." He glanced at the man standing next to him. "And you have returned with no less than Isildur's heir."
"For the last ten years, Adar, I have followed this man and traveled often with the Dúnedain." 
Thranduil studied the two of them and nodded. So he has not returned to stay. "You have come to ask, perhaps, of a shadow that grows from the East?"
Legolas approached him. "Adar, what has made the orcs and men so bold as to step away from their masters' safe hold?"
"An ancient enemy of middle earth has returned. The Dark Lord Sauron was not quite as dead as some claimed him to be. But he cannot rule Middle Earth," Thranduil returned to his throne, "not without the One Ring. But the shadow spreads farther as he grows stronger, and our border guards have been doubled."
"And if they come?"
"If they come, they will die. The way it has always been."
But it has never been this way before. Legolas then remembered that there was someone else in Mirkwood he ought to see. "Adar," he formed his words carefully, "is Tauriel still captain of the guard?"
Lord Thranduil voice, which had always been hard when speaking of Tauriel, was now somber. "Her heart was broken, Legolas, and she never quite healed from it. I gave her permission to sail to the undying lands."
Legolas searched his heart and was surprised that he neither felt angry nor disappointed with her or his father. His and Tauriel's paths led different ways. It was hard for him to accept it at first, but now, he hoped that she would find the peace she needed and deserved. "So be it."
Lord Thranduil turned to address Aragorn. "Welcome, son of Arathorn."
Aragorn quickly thanked him in elvish before adding, "I shall remain only as long as you please."
"Then I insist you should remain for at least seven days."
Legolas tilted his head. "What is happening in seven days, Ada?"
"Have you already forgotten? The Spring festival approaches." They were silent. He read their concerns. "This darkness has no right to stifle the traditions of our people. Mirkwood is safe, and it will benefit the elves and your brothers to see you again, Legolas." He addressed Aragorn, who seemed to feel a bit out of place with the whole idea. "I have heard that you spent several years at the House of Elrond."
Aragorn nodded. Legolas looked at him in surprise. He had never mentioned living in Rivendell before.
"You are familiar with the elven tongue. Legolas or one of his brothers will tell you more of our traditions. During the festival, it is my intent that the elves see the dignity and honor that remains in Isildur's line."
A spark of anger flicked through Legolas. Until now, the pride in his father's tone had never bothered him. He looked to Aragorn, who appeared neither angry nor embarrassed. He seemed to accept the situation, something that Legolas could not comprehend. Nevertheless, he tried to show the least amount of frustration as he could. "Very well, Adar. I see no reason to miss another Spring festival."
"This one will be different."
"How so?"
An amused smile lifted the edges of Lord Thranduil's mouth. "We are not the only elves in Middle Earth."


Lord Elrond sat at the head of the table, watching Evangeline and Arwen speaking to each other on the most recent book they had read: one about magic.
"Should I try summoning magic with spells in the same way I try summoning water?"
Arwen frowned. "Only wizards should summon magic in such a way. They are gifted by the Valar with the ability. Anyone else who tries by spells may easily be tricked into summoning dark magic or manipulative spirits." Her face brightened as she turned to Elrond. "Some elves, though, are gifted in specific ways. There gifts work with magic, but I would not say they are used in the same way as wizards. They come naturally, versus being a force that is summoned. Like Ada's gift of foresight."
Evangeline smiled. "I do not need his gift to know he is patiently waiting to speak."
Elrond cleared his throat. The truth was, he enjoyed seeing the two speak to each other. Even though they were speaking on magic, which was far from a light topic, it was the closest he had seen Evangeline and Arwen to enjoying themselves in the past several years. All the more to confirm my thoughts. They need to enjoy their time. Life is a gift from the Valar. They should experience the joy they can. "Never mind my silence. I always have much to ponder. But..." he paused, "I do have an announcement to make."
Elrond never admitted it out loud, but he was enjoying the anticipation in the room. Even Lord Daurion, who was also present along with two other elves, set down his fork and leaned forward.
"I have received some news from King Thranduil." Elrond pulled out a scroll from underneath the table and unrolled it. "As usual, he is preparing for Mirkwood's spring festival. But it seems that this time, he has decided to invite some of the most prominent elven families and individuals from the mountains, Lórien, and Rivendell." He rolled up the scroll nonchalantly. "It sounds as if it is to be a rather extravagant ball."
Evangeline's wide eyes darted to Arwen's face. She could tell Arwen was equally surprised and excited. "Adar, are you suggesting that we go?"
"I see no reason why you should not." He looked carefully at them both. "That is, unless you do not wish to go."
"I am sure Arwen will go." Evangeline spoke firmly.
"And you? You do not wish to go?"
"I am not an elf." Realizing how solemn she sounded, Evangeline tried to amend her tone. "I...should probably train more. Now would be a good time to practice with my dagger as well."
"I will not go if you do not."
"But you must, Arwen! You must tell me of Mirkwood, about the elves there, as well as the ball-"
"Or you can see it all for yourself, Evangeline." Elrond said. "I have given it thought, and I do not believe anyone will question you. You do have some resemblance to an elf, and you will not be the only ones there. There will be others that will give a range of diversity, such as our distant kin from the mountains." He allowed his words to settle in her mind. "I advise that you decide soon, because you will have to leave tonight in order to arrive in time."
"Are you not coming?" Arwen said.
"No. You know my duty lies in Rivendell. However, although we have not yet discussed it, Daurion will be going with you in order not to leave you unguarded on the way."
Evangeline turned to Daurion. "You agreed to this? I thought you did not favor the king of Mirkwood."
"I never said so. I only commented on how rigid and narrow-minded he was." Daurion held up his glass. "Anyway, his stocks are full of the best wine in all of Middle Earth." Elrond shot him a suspicious glare.
"Wonderful! It is settled then." Arwen rose from the table. "Come Evangeline, we should uncover the gowns and prepare our bags."
Evangeline followed, her smile unhidden. Her face gave away her answer, even though she forgot to answer Elrond.

 Her face gave away her answer, even though she forgot to answer Elrond

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