Chapter 27: A Legend and a Loss

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The doors of the Great Hall swung open. Gandalf stomped through them, brushed past Estelwen, and headed straight for the stables. Aragorn followed him while Estelwen looked on. What happened in there? She had not been invited to listen in on the Théoden's plan for Rohan, so she had waited outside.

Estelwen started towards the stables, but Gandalf galloped out and past her before she could say anything. Aragorn walked out of the Hall. Estelwen waved her arm, catching his attention. "Where is Gandalf going?" she asked warily.

Aragorn blew out air. "There is some explaining to be done, for much has happened in your absence." As briefly as he could, he told Estelwen how Gandalf had freed King Théoden from Saruman's hold. When he told her who Gríma was and how he ran off, she stopped him.

"So that snake was the one who passed me by? The one who rode out of Rohan straight to Isengard?" Her eyes widened incredulously. "You know what that implies for Rohan, do you?"

Aragorn led the way to the stables. "Saruman already knows we are here and that he no longer controls these lands. Théoden has decided to bring everyone to Helm's Deep for safety. Gandalf believes that Théoden should stay and fight. Regardless of where the people stay, Rohan is in sore need, so Gandalf has gone to seek Éomer and the Riders. Oh, and..." He crossed his arms. "You owe me a horse."

Estelwen smiled briefly. Aragorn was joking, but only half. "You can ride with me. Take the lead if you like."

"Or," Aragorn touched his chin. "I can ride Rocelin, and you can ride with Legolas," he said, raising his brow matter-of-factly.

Estelwen looked to the side. "You know he will be on foot. And it seems that he would rather tie me to the back of the horse than have me ride with him."

"Have you spoken to him yet?"

She strapped the saddle onto Rocelin. "Yes and no. I know not what goes through his mind. Perhaps he needs time to himself. I often do."

He shook his head. "He needs you to speak to him."

"I have already explained myself. What more is there to tell?"

He sighed. "A few words from a friend are little to ask for."

"'Tis true. And I will. But I...I am waiting for the right time." She handed Rocelin's reins to him. "Here."

"As you say. Where are you going?"

"I wanted to speak with Éowyn before we left. Although I would never complain of the company I have been with for the past months, it felt good to speak to another woman again." She looked down at the scattered straw in a nearby stall. "I miss Arwen."

Aragorn looked at her and then at the floor. "I know."

Estelwen picked up her pack from underneath the straw in Rocelin's stall. She could feel the tip of the menacing arrow through the cloth of her bag. She felt guilty for not sharing her real plans with Aragorn. Although she was planning to speak with Éowyn, she first wanted to ask Théoden about the arrow. Aragorn would not approve. He thinks I will be saddened if I remember Boromir. That must be why he was hesitant to give this to me in the first place. But she had to figure it out. It was a bothersome misfit that lingered in her mind. "I should be back to ride soon."

After walking up the stone steps to the Hall of Kings, she took a deep breath. Théoden regarded her carefully when she entered. He stopped in the midst of his packing as Estelwen bowed.

"So you are the earthborn?"


He walked up to her. "Gandalf trusts you and Aragorn has told me what you did for my people. For that, you have my thanks. But I must ask that you keep your 'skills' hidden for the meantime. I do not want my people thrown into a further chaos or fear."

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