Chapter 51

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Ge Zhu is a Taoist priest, unparalleled in dealing with the spectral duo of red and white spirits.

As night deepened, the tension among the staff became palpable.

Before midnight, Lu Youyi instructed the ordinary staff to rest, warning them sternly of the "Three Don'ts": "Don’t turn on the lights, don’t peek if you hear noises, and don’t open the door if someone knocks. Just close your eyes and sleep, and no matter what happens, do not leave your room."

The staff memorized these words and returned to their rooms, and the hot spring manor fell silent.

Apart from their conversation, no other sound filled the hall. As the night grew deeper and the appointed hour approached, they ceased their chatter, silently awaiting the appearance of the red and white spirits.

After an indeterminate amount of time, the distant, ethereal sound of celebratory music floated towards them, with the high pitch of oboes and the beating of drums, lively and festive yet as if muffled by fog, as though coming from afar.

Ge Zhu made a decisive call: "Let's go."

They headed towards the source of the music. The closer they got, the clearer the music became, its liveliness interspersed with a faint, mournful wail of ghosts, a sound that was neither entirely joyful nor wholly sorrowful.

Following the compass, Ge Zhu and his companions hastened their pace. As they neared enough to glimpse the clash of the red and white spirits, Ge Zhu discreetly hid among the trees, gesturing for silence with a "shush."

Then, as a soaring oboe note transitioned the music from joy to lament, Jiang Luo crouched behind the weeds, peering through the gaps at the scene ahead.

Through the dense mist, two groups faced each other in standoff.

To the south stood a group of female ghosts in red, their faces pale as if powdered, their hands, bluish-white, tossing red paper into the air. Among them, a bright red bridal sedan was carried, surrounded by red silk like blooming flowers.

From the north approached a group carrying a black coffin, flanked by similarly pale-faced drowned ghosts in white mourning clothes, long hemp ropes tied around their waists, dragging marks through the dry leaves on the ground.

Paper flew into the air, mixing red and white in a dance.

The music grew more plaintive, yet the scene was eerily quiet. This sight, both bizarre and somber, sent chills down Lu Youyi's spine, his skin crawling with goosebumps.

Jiang Luo breathed lightly, and Lu Youyi, truly frightened, whispered to him, "Jiang Luo, this is fucking terrifying."

Jiang Luo nodded, keeping his voice low, "Let's ask Ge Zhu what we should do."

Lu Youyi relayed the message to Ye Xun beside him, who passed it to Zhuo Zhongqiu. After waiting a moment, Lu Youyi turned back, whispering, "Ge Zhu said it's too dangerous when the red and white spirits clash. We shouldn't get involved. First, we'll mark the spot where they collide and draw a formation on this path tomorrow during daylight to divert the paths of the wedding and funeral processions."

Jiang Luo found the plan sensible, "So we're heading back?"

Lu Youyi breathed a sigh of relief, "Finally, we can go back."

They gestured to each other, ready to retreat one by one, but Lu Youyi accidentally stepped on a dry branch. The branch snapped crisply under his foot and broke.

Frozen, Lu Youyi gave Jiang Luo, the closest to him, a weak smile, a smile that seemed like crying, "I swear, this branch wasn't here just a moment ago."

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