Chapter 97

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The specter spoke with a dangerous tone.

It had been almost a week since Jiang Luo had seen Chi You, and his sudden reappearance now stirred something within Jiang Luo.

Mockery, excitement, teasing...

His nerves, perfectly normal in front of friends, once again twisted into the shape of a madman.

What, hasn't he had enough fun playing with him?

Suppressing a smile, Jiang Luo thought, alright, this deck now had more than two fish; it also had a specter, a being more dangerous than the blood eel.

This was indeed the start of a hard mode.

The deck rocked, and the sea breeze whipped up huge waves, crashing against the cruise ship.

Jiang Luo mulled over the words Chi You had said, quickly catching the underlying taste. The specter clearly remembered what he had once said, "I'm tired of playing with you."

You say you're tired of playing with me, yet you're interested in watching fish?

Barely holding back his laughter, Jiang Luo deliberately added fuel to the fire.

"Watching these two fish roll around is disgusting," Jiang Luo said, "but it's more interesting than training you. After all, I got bored of you after just twenty minutes."

But honestly, if he had to choose between the specter behind him and the two fish in front of him, Jiang Luo was more than willing to risk his life to train the specter. He had no interest in watching these two smelly, slippery fish roll around on the deck.

Chi You's tone lifted as he suddenly tightened his grip on his chin, "Then I have to see this."

The specter looked towards the deck from beside Jiang Luo's ear.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning lit up the sky, tearing through the night. The roar was deafening, and a storm was approaching.

In the instant that light flashed between heaven and earth, the female and male fish rolled together, their bodily fluids reflecting the cold light on the ground. The weight of the two fish, nearly seven to eight hundred pounds, caused the deck to tremble slightly.

Chi You watched with great interest.

Normally, such a sight would bore him, not even warranting a glance. But now, he found himself with a bit more patience to watch.

In this somewhat eerie scene, Jiang Luo was instantly reminded of the time Chi You learned what desire was from a TV show.

Watching these two fish, wouldn't teach this guy how to make love, would it?

...Never mind.

To prevent this terrible possibility, Jiang Luo stepped back, stepping on Chi You's foot, and with a strong push, he broke free from Chi You's grip. He then swiftly attacked the specter with the technique of the Snake, while he himself charged towards the blood eel.

The male fish, disturbed during its courtship upon sensing the human's approach, growled lowly, its sharp teeth bared in warning for Jiang Luo not to come closer.

Ignoring the warning, Jiang Luo entered the slippery area of bodily fluids. Lowering his body, he used the momentum of his run to slide rapidly towards the two fish.

Holding a dagger formed from golden runes in his hand, his eyes were sharp.

The slime reduced friction to a minimum. As he was about to reach the blood eel, the male fish, pressing down on the female, viciously swung its tail at Jiang Luo. He placed a hand on the ground, beautifully changing direction to dodge the male fish's tail. As he was about to collide with the male fish, he stepped on the body of the blood eel, using it to leap backward, performing a beautiful backflip in the air. Seizing the opportunity to strike downward, Jiang Luo's dagger pierced from the back of the male fish's head all the way to its brain. In the next instant, he landed neatly and impressively.

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