Chapter 64

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Ye Xun said nothing.

Outside, a person with Zhang Feng's face tilted his head and asked again, "Can you open the door for me?"

Ye Xun glanced back into the bathroom.

The shadow in the bathroom swayed, and Zhang Feng's singing grew louder.

There was a Zhang Feng inside, and another outside.

Which one was real?

If the one outside was the real Zhang Feng, then who was the one taking a shower?

And if the one taking a shower was real, then who was this person outside?

Ye Xun's mind went blank for a moment as he scrutinized the person outside.

At least, the Zhang Feng with a face seemed more like a person than the faceless Zhang Feng.

Hesitating, Ye Xun rose from his chair, hand on the doorknob.

Just as he was about to open the door, he suddenly looked down at the lock.

The faceless Zhang Feng had simply closed the door without locking it. Just turning the doorknob would allow entry, such a simple task, so why did the outside Zhang Feng insist on him opening the door?

Ye Xun's expression hardened, and he then let go of the handle.

He remembered something.

Some people would repurpose wood from coffins or used by corpses to make furniture and sell it to others. Such furniture could become cursed or bring misfortune, trapped within, seeking escape, requiring human consent. Hence, they would knock on the cabinet doors to draw human attention. If a human were to open it voluntarily, it was akin to granting a pass for these curses or malevolent forces to escape the furniture and wreak havoc.

The Zhang Feng outside might not be a curse or malevolence, but he clearly wasn't human.

The apartment was a long-term residence for trainees, housing four males, abundant in yang energy. The "person" outside asking Ye Xun to open the door was evidently wary of yang energy, seeking a "pass" through Ye Xun's consent.

The roommate, who had been writing at the desk, looked up curiously at Ye Xun, "Who's at the door?"

"No one," Ye Xun locked the door, "Someone got the wrong door."

The roommate didn't inquire further, continuing to listen to music and write songs.

Ye Xun wasn't sure if the person outside had left. He returned to his bed, canceling the message he was about to send. He couldn't let Jiang Luo and the others come now, or they might encounter the thing outside.

The knocking persisted for a while before gradually ceasing, as if giving up and leaving. Sweat formed beside Ye Xun's temples, and he hugged Xiao Fen tightly. At this moment, Zhang Feng came out of the bathroom.

Wrapped in a towel, Zhang Feng went to the mirror and meticulously applied skincare products, his mood uplifted, even applying a face mask, "Ye Nan, who was knocking just now?"

The areas of the mask designed to reveal his features were smooth and neat. Ye Xun's throat tightened a bit, but he tried to remain calm, "Someone got the wrong door."

Zhang Feng lost interest, cheerfully adjusting his face mask in the mirror.

Ye Xun said, "Zhang Feng, you seem very happy."

Zhang Feng smiled, "I just really like rainy days."

Ye Xun looked at him curiously, "You seem very different today."

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