Chapter 193

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The spoon in Jiang Luo's hand paused momentarily, as he continued to eat his meal in a subdued manner.

He had coughed up blood again this morning, and the pain from it lingered, making Jiang Luo's hand too unsteady to hold chopsticks, forcing him to use a spoon instead.

Jiang Luo ate slowly and with great focus because any lapse in concentration would cause his hand holding the spoon to tremble from the lingering pain.

His self-reliance forbade him from revealing such vulnerability to others.

Master Weihe was quite excited. "Which mountain range is it?"

Ge Wuchen, with dirt on his shoes and a weary expression, appeared as though he had traveled tirelessly through mountains and rivers day and night. He smiled at Master Weihe but didn't respond, instead, he looked towards Chi You.

Chi You glanced at Jiang Luo, but he continued to eat his meal steadily, as if he hadn't heard Ge Wuchen's words, with the bowl of rice in front of him seeming more important than the mountain range that could keep him alive.

The visibly darkening complexion of Chi You, who had been emotionally unstable for the past few days, indicated his growing gloom. His fingers twisted the fork and knife, pressing them out of shape. Chi You set down his utensils, picked up a handkerchief from the side, and elegantly wiped his hands. A faint smile played on his thin lips, indicating his interest. "Indeed, which mountain range is it? Why don't you explain it to Master Weihe properly?"

Ge Wuchen nodded and unfolded the map in his hand in front of Master Weihe, pointing to a mountain range in the north. "The Dragon Vein of Dawu Mountain, surrounded by mountains and water, winding like a dragon lying dormant. What do you think?"

Master Weihe lowered his head and carefully traced the path of the mountain range on the map. Mountains represent the dragon's strength, while water symbolizes its blood. To understand the dragon veins, one must also consider the soil, rocks, and vegetation of the mountains, representing its flesh, bones, and fur. In addition to the map, Ge Wuchen also showed photographs of the actual terrain of Dawu Mountain. After studying them for a while, Master Weihe nodded slowly. "I think this dragon vein will suffice."

Ge Wuchen took the opportunity to look at Jiang Luo and asked, "Jiang Luo, what are your thoughts on this?"

Jiang Luo replied calmly, "If Master Weihe believes it's feasible, then it is."

Seeing his master's increasingly somber expression, Ge Wuchen tried to keep the conversation going with Jiang Luo, hoping to lighten Chi You's mood.

In reality, he had returned the previous night, but upon his return, Liao Si informed him about the argument between his master and Jiang Luo. Wanting to prevent his master's mood from deteriorating further, Ge Wuchen deliberately waited until breakfast to relay the news, hoping that Jiang Luo would feel a bit happier upon hearing about the discovery of the dragon vein and would reconcile with his master.

However, after asking a few questions, Jiang Luo either remained silent or responded with only a few words, maintaining a consistently impassive expression. Unable to continue the conversation, Ge Wuchen was met with an awkward silence until Master Weihe spoke up solemnly, "Jiang Luo's health cannot be neglected any longer. Now that we've located the dragon vein, it's best to depart for Dawu Mountain within the next two days."

Chi You slammed the handkerchief onto the table, his expression devoid of emotion as he declared, "We'll leave tomorrow."

After Chi You finished speaking, Jiang Luo rose from his seat and retreated to his room.

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