Chapter 79

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Jiang Luo did not hesitate to slap the face before him.

The extreme pleasure almost made him lose control of the sorrow on his face. However, life is like a play, and Jiang Luo still held onto his script firmly, saying with a disheartened tone, "You were not like this before, Chi You."

"You would not have said something like this before..."

He turned his head away, unwilling to look at his former lover who had changed so drastically, and tried to remain calm as he said, "I don't want to see you now. I want to be alone and calm down, please leave."

The room fell silent, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone dared not even breathe heavily. Just a second ago, Qi Ye, who was about to explode in rage, was now in a surprisingly good mood. He stared blankly at Jiang Luo for a few moments, then obediently sat down, the anger and jealousy in his heart already turned into sweetness.

Jiang Luo was actually willing to defend the lover who had hit him.

Qi Ye didn't know why, but he felt somewhat grateful to Chi You.

Wenren Lian and Zhuo Zhongqiu exchanged glances.

Zhuo Zhongqiu's gaze was filled with relief, seeing that Jiang Luo finally seemed to be awakening from his delusion.

Even though it was just a short interaction, they discovered the differences between Chi You as a malevolent spirit and when he was alive. As long as Jiang Luo could recognize these differences, he could escape from the doomed relationship between humans and ghosts sooner.

In this light, tonight's meeting turned out to be a good thing.

But the malevolent spirit was not in a good mood.

Chi You, touching his cheek, broke the long silence by slowly asking, "What has changed about me?"

Jiang Luo, exhausted, replied, "You don't even know what has changed about you?"

Others could not tell if Chi You was angry or sad, but they all became alert, fearing that the evil ghost might rage at any moment.

Yet, the evil ghost suddenly smiled, whispering, "Excellent."

"Where have I changed," he stood up, his eyes and eyebrows showing a pleasant and relaxed smile, "you can discuss it with me in detail tonight."

He was much taller than Jiang Luo, his black silhouette imposing. Before Chi You approached Jiang Luo, Wen Ren and a few others blocked Chi You's path.

Students who had previously treated Chi You with great respect and politeness now took a firm stance, "Chi You, Jiang Luo said he wanted to be alone."

Chi You looked at them without a ripple of emotion.

Zhuo Zhongqiu, naturally extremely sensitive to souls, felt an extreme sense of danger that seemed to scrape against her scalp. Beads of cold sweat formed on her forehead, and without much hesitation, Zhuo Zhongqiu pushed Jiang Luo towards the door under the protection of the crowd, urging, "Hurry up!"

Behind the evil ghost, a ferocious black mist spread on the floor, as if it could engulf those blocking Jiang Luo into a slaughterous massacre at any moment.

"Doing this, you make your teacher very sad," Chi You took another step forward, and the people blocking him stepped back in unison, the evil ghost sighed, "After all, we are acquainted."

Jiang Luo, blocked by several people, stood still, unable to move.

Seylor waved anxiously at him not leaving, urging, "Jiang, run fast!"

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