Chapter 137

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Wen Renlian and his classmates had already spent two days at Lian's home.

As the three-day deadline approached, they couldn't bear to stay any longer, growing increasingly anxious.

Early in the morning, Lu Youyi, upon seeing Zhuo Zhongqiu and Wen Renlian returning from Lian's senior brothers at Lian's home, was the first to ask, "Are they still asking us to wait for Jiang Luo to come down the mountain?"

Zhuo Zhongqiu nodded expressionlessly, "I've asked them several times, but only the younger generation of Lian's family is here; the elders have disappeared without a trace. Two days ago, they said Jiang Luo would return in these two days, asking us to wait patiently. But two days have passed, and Jiang Luo hasn't returned. Wen Ren and I went to ask about Daoist Weihe's residence on the mountain, but they were unclear, only mentioning to keep going up the mountain, without specific location. I suspect there's a formation on the mountain, and we need someone from Lian's family to guide us."

However, after several days of continuous snowfall, the mountain base was already blocked, and no one from Lian's family was willing to risk guiding them up.

Lu Youyi became agitated, "What should we do then? Should we just climb up directly? Waiting here is driving me crazy."

"We have no choice," Wen Renlian said with a serious expression, lightly touching the ear pendant that he treasured and kept in the pocket of his clothes. "There are many places on the mountain where people can stay, but we can find Daoist Weihe's residence by searching one by one. Waiting for Jiang Luo to come back here is too passive; let's go up the mountain directly."

Ge Zhu hesitated, "But I'm afraid that when we go up, Jiang Luo might be coming down, and we might miss each other."

This possibility was not nonexistent, and that's why they had been hesitating for two days.

"Then leave one person here to wait," Ye Xun stood up, looking at Wen Renlian with determination. "I will go find Jiang Luo."


No time to waste, they picked up their equipment and headed to the back mountain. The snow at the foot of the mountain had piled up almost half a person high.

Fortunately, Lu Youyi and others had higher physical fitness than ordinary people, making the journey less arduous.

After climbing for two hours, Zhuo Zhongqiu looked up, and all they could see was a vast expanse of white. She licked her dry lips, suppressed impatience, and continued forward.

There must be a formation guarding Daoist Weihe's residence. If they wanted to find it in the vast mountain, their success would depend on effort and luck.

"Zhongqiu, you are familiar with Lian's family, especially close to Lian Xue. Weihe Daoist is what kind of person?" Lu Youyi, sweating profusely, asked breathlessly, "Is it dangerous for Jiang Luo to go find him?"

They could only speculate about the danger Jiang Luo might encounter from the words of the funeral home owner, but they didn't know the specifics.

"Weihe Daoist? He's an extremely protective elder," Zhuo Zhongqiu said with a strange expression. "When I was in high school, I already had my own thoughts. While others were flirting with handsome guys and beautiful girls, I felt different. I specifically teased female ghosts. I played wild back then, trying to prove that I could interact with both humans and ghosts. Once, I encountered a female ghost wandering in the dormitory building. She looked very innocent, and I couldn't help but talk to her. That female ghost clung to me."

She recalled with a look of reluctance, "The female ghost followed me home, insisting on being my girlfriend and getting jealous of other girls around me. Lian Xue almost got killed by this female ghost. When Weihe Daoist found out, he came straight to my house."

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