Chapter 58

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Jiang Luo did not panic; he naturally tilted his head, eyes crinkling with amusement, a smile gracing his lips. "When I laughed at someone's death, the Chi family didn't shed a single tear for him."

The raven-haired beauty's eyes sparkled with a provocative smile, lips flushed red, his black hair cascading down his face like water, draping over his equally black traditional attire.

The figure behind him stood in the shadows, bowing slightly, "Their tears are filthy, but yours, they're different."

Chi You wrapped one arm around Jiang Luo's waist, imprisoning him in his embrace. With his other hand, he gently pointed towards the coffin, a malevolent chuckle resonating softly, "That day, you knelt before me, out of everyone, you cried the most pitifully, yet far more beautifully than any of them."

Their corner of the space seemed severed from the rest, the light absorbed by the malevolent spirit behind them. Shadows, like black mist, gradually enveloped the traditional-clad beauty.

Jiang Luo staggered, his cloth shoes swallowed by the darkness.

Chi You was bolder than he had anticipated.

Surrounded by the metaphysical community, he dared to make such a brazen appearance. Jiang Luo thought he might possess a guest or control a puppet to enjoy the spectacle, yet here was Chi You in person.

His direct presence was an undiscovered slap in the face to the Chi family, the ultimate insult and disdain.

Jiang Luo's gaze flicked towards Feng Li.

Feng Li and his group were at the back of the guests, a fair distance away. Just a shout from Jiang Luo would expose Chi You to Feng Li's scrutiny.

And honestly, Jiang Luo was quite curious to see Feng Li and Chi You clash.

He casually said, "Chi You, aren't you afraid of being discovered by Feng Li? He specifically warned me, if he saw you bothering me again, he'd scatter your soul to the winds."

The malevolent spirit chuckled, "Sounds like we're having an affair."

"Let him try to scatter my soul then," the spirit's laughter was nonchalant, "I'd like to see if the Celestial Master really has such skill."

An affair?

That description jolted Jiang Luo, his scalp numbing.

He quickly changed the subject, his tone mocking, "You're really pathetic, only I cried the hardest at your funeral, but my tears for you were all lies."

"I'd rather see what you look like when you're not lying, crying for real," Chi You's tone was thick with seduction, as he gestured towards the mourning Chi family members, "Even if it was fake, your crying was more touching than theirs."

Jiang Luo looked towards the Chi family members.

Their exaggerated wails seemed performative, making him think: exactly.

He also felt his crying was the most moving.

The malevolent spirit, slightly hunched, embraced the raven-haired youth, eyes on his kin, his voice cold, "Take a good look at them, you'll discover a surprise."

"Focus on this man," Jiang Luo's hand was guided to point at the middle-aged man at the center, as the malevolent spirit whispered enticingly, "Really look at him with all your heart."

Jiang Luo frowned at the man.

The middle-aged man, likely the father of the deceased, was disheveled, beating his chest and stomping his feet in utter despair.

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