Chapter 114

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Amidst the haze of consciousness, it seemed like someone gently inquired by Jiang Luo's ear, "Do you know the boundaries between good and evil?"


Seemingly aware of his confusion, the voice paused and became softer, "Do you wish to kill the wicked?"

Kill... the wicked?

Jiang Luo's thoughts seemed to slow down countless times, a hand brushing across his forehead, gentle yet cool as ice and snow.

"Even if the evil spirit retains humanity, its innate filth will only spawn numerous sins, staining with more blood."

"Only when it dies, everything will calm."

The voice fluctuated, sometimes distant, sometimes near, "As long as you kill the evil spirit, you can leave."

Kill the evil spirit to leave?

Did they indeed enter a world within the mirror?

Jiang Luo's breath became heavy.

Who is the one speaking?

Who are you?

The evil spirit... does it refer to Chi You?

"Wake up," the hand swept across Jiang Luo's vision, "go see the appearance of sin's birth."


Jiang Luo was awakened by the clamor.

He struggled to open his eyes, eyelids heavy as if laden with lead. Just this one action of opening his eyes took him one or two minutes.

During this time, the lively noises around him grew louder. The sound of drums and gongs was festive, like the joyous music of a rural wedding... suona... conversations between old people and children.

"Jiang Pingcheng! How can you treat the child like this!" A woman's crying voice rang out, scolding halfway but diminished in volume, finally trembling and weakly pleading, "How can you marry Luo Luo to the Chi family?"

There were many information points in that sentence, but Jiang Luo didn't have time to ponder its content. His attention was completely drawn to the woman's voice.

He had heard this voice for over a decade, the most familiar woman in his life, his real-life mother, Xiao Yan.

Jiang Luo suddenly opened his eyes.

Dim and narrow space, a sedan emitting a red glow. Jiang Luo lowered his head, dressed in the most normal groom's attire.

Men's wedding attire.

Outside the sedan, a man impatiently said, "He's a boy, what do you mean by marriage? He's just going to accompany the young master of the Chi family for a few years, and then come back to be his wealthy young master. Alright, it's a big day, don't make a fuss. Later, I'll give you a bag of money, go buy some clothes in the street, okay?"

The woman's crying was faint, at a loss, saying, "No, you can't treat the child like this..."

The man loudly retorted, "Then, will you marry in his place?!"

The woman sobbed repeatedly, not speaking anymore.

Jiang Luo kept his head down, expressionless.

Familiar voices of parents, familiar parental personalities. He was extremely sure that the world he was currently in was a false world within the mirror, but why did this false world have the shadows of his real-life parents?

Jiang Luo clenched his fist.

Whoever spoke to him while he was unconscious, who was it?

But no matter who it was... he was extremely displeased now. Why couldn't they do something else, instead of digging out these two people buried deep in his memories?

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