Chapter 179

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Sweat dripped from Jiang Luo's side profile.

Feeling the gaze fixed on him, Jiang Luo's smile deepened, and Zheng Ning blushed even more under his gaze. The indifference he felt toward Jiang Luo earlier was now transforming. "Are you feeling hot?"

Could this person please stop smiling at him? Why did he like him so much?

"A bit, yeah," Jiang Luo relaxed his features. He asked Wen Renlian for a hair tie and efficiently gathered his hair, revealing a long, fair swan-like neck. "This feels much better."

The intense gaze on Jiang Luo became even more scorching. Like a tangible entity, it followed the sweat beads from Jiang Luo's temples down to his neck.

The delicate skin, covered by the night's dim hue, turned cold white. As the cool breeze swept by, the sweat quickly vanished.

Jiang Luo hadn't brought his captivating pendant today. A piercing adorned his earlobe, clean and simple.

The gaze grew bolder, and the dark-haired youth, only realizing it later, furrowed his brow and looked in the direction of the stare.

Chi You walked gracefully, wearing a gentle, feigned smile. After locking eyes with Jiang Luo, there was no hint of guilty curiosity. Instead, he felt a sense of accomplishment, having successfully attracted Jiang Luo's attention.

Jiang Luo's expression, however, became impatient. He turned back to continue chatting with Zheng Ning, ignoring Chi You, until Liu Qi approached with his companions.

Liu Qi introduced everyone, "This is my brother, Wang Shao, and this handsome guy is Wang Shao's friend, Chi You. We'll have one more person joining us later; you don't mind, do you?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Chi You smiled, extending his hand directly in front of Jiang Luo. "Hello."

Jiang Luo casually shook hands with Chi You, both acting as if they were strangers. "Hello."

However, when Jiang Luo attempted to release his hand, Chi You firmly held on, even lightly caressing his palm. Jiang Luo remembered the rule to "present an image of absolute unattainability." He glanced at Chi You and forcefully withdrew his hand from Chi You's grip.

This minor incident went unnoticed by others, while Zheng Ning's eyes remained fixated on Chi You. "I haven't seen this friend of Wang Shao before."

Wang Shao laughed heartily, expressing his admiration for Chi You, "This guy is a great friend. Don't underestimate him, guys."

Chi You had followers from various walks of life, and Jiang Luo estimated that most of them were either brainwashed or manipulated puppets. Once Chi You removed the curse and fulfilled his destiny, all his followers would rise in unity. Whenever Chi You wanted to focus on someone, regardless of what Jiang Luo did or where he went, Chi You had a way of appearing in front of him.

It was like gathering invisible threads, and these threads were attempting to converge on Jiang Luo.

Jiang Luo glanced at Wang Shao, thinking, "You still don't know, do you? Your 'friend' here died and turned into a ghost almost half a year ago."

Zheng Ning's cheeks turned crimson. He stared at Chi You like he was bewitched, then struggled to decide whether to look at Jiang Luo, his gaze constantly shifting between them.

His attention drew Chi You's notice. Chi You looked at Zheng Ning, raised an eyebrow, and cryptically asked Jiang Luo, "Is this your brought companion?"

Zheng Ning hesitated, subconsciously wanting to deny it, but when he spoke, he wavered, "Well..."

Liu Qi laughed, seemingly indifferent, "Jiang Xiaoxiong, you didn't bring a companion when you came up, right? I'll lend mine to you for the race."

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