Chapter 5: A New Mission

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         As Kanda finished beating Lavi, I swung my arms around his broad shoulders, "Aw, why did you do that for, Kandy?" He froze and swallowed as I kissed him on the cheek, "You know what? I think I wanna go sit in a tree! Do you wanna come with me?" Lavi broke out laughing, his nose bleeding from his punishment. Kanda growled but said nothing. I could sense all the eyes in the large room on the two of us. The bluenette shot me a look that told me to knock it off, but I returned the favor with one of my own, the "this is what you signed up for" look. He sighed, and hesitantly kissed me on the lips. It was short but sweet, and there were "aw's" all around the room. A vein popped out of his head, and he returned to his soba.

I smiled at the gesture and continued to shovel food into my mouth. Lavi was passed out on the floor from blood loss, and Lenalee was squealing. I wonder if she had a yaoi fangirl club or something. After we ate, Kanda and I walked back to our room, silence filling the air. Though, once the door was closed, I was on my bed when he growled, "You are lucky I'm not pretending to hate you." I stick my tongue out, "Oh, you liked it and you know it!" Kanda grumbles something under his breath and sits on his bed. I peek over the bed, meeting a dark gaze. He rolls his eyes and leans back against his pillow. Flipping off the bed, I sit beside him, "So is it official?" "What?" "That you're my boyfriend, BaKandy," I say, with a small chuckle. Gods, please say yes The bluenette smirked at the name, and at the same time, pulls me down beside him, "Yes, we're dating." I smile and throw my arms around his neck. This way, I can be with Kanda and still keep my secrets. He can be so understanding at times. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me on the cheek.

I pull away and look at my hands that are supporting my weight."What?" Kanda asks, worry seeping into his deep voice. "Can I...can I sleep in your bed from now on?" I ask timidly, "Are you scared of the nightmares?" he questions. I nod silently. Before I know what was going on, he brought me to him again, "You can sleep in this bed as much as you want." I purr softly into my new boyfriend's neck. I could have stayed there for the rest of the day, but the knocking on the door forced me to get up and answer it. On the other side of the door was none other than that bastard Komui. I growl slightly, and say, "What do you want?" Komui replies, "I have a new mission for the two of you." I hear Kanda get off the bed and walk up behind me. We follow Komui to his office and sit.

"This isn't as much of a mission as it is to retrieve Innocence. In Cobalt, France, a couple of finders have found Innocence, but refuse to come back to the Order alone. I need the two of you to go bring them back." "Che, and you need both of us to go?" Kanda grunted. "With this being Allen's first mission since he got back, I wanted to make sure he was safe," Komui reasoned. Bullshit. But hey a chance to get to see France. Kanda grumbled something under his breath, but Komui replied, "Tonight after dinner." My eyes widen, but Kanda reluctantly stands and walks out, heading back to our room. I begin to follow him but am stopped short by Komui. I turn around, "Yeah?" He hands me a small bottle, "This will keep you strong. Take two a day, once at night, and once in the morning." I nod, not at all unconvinced that the pills would kill me. I snag the bottle and slip it in my pocket before I catch up with Kanda. He didn't ask about what took me so long, just walked by my side. I naturally hate silence, but hate breaking it even more. I stare at the floor as I walk with a brooding Kanda, wondering if he was upset he got stuck on a mission with me, or just a mission so soon in general.

Oh, why is Kanda so complicated? "What?" Did I say that out loud? The samurai has a confused look on his face and was gazing at me as he walked. Of course, I did. He smirked, "So I'm complicated?" I blush and sheepishly stared at the ground, "I just was wondering why you were so quiet. I hate silence." "Huh, I love silence. That's generally why I don't talk," he said. We get to the door of our room and open it. Sighing, I start to pack what I'll need for the trip, going in and out of the bathroom. Kanda does the same while brushing his hair. I look longingly at the luscious locks of sapphire hair as he brings the brush through them. I close my case once I'm done packing, but Kanda continues to torture me. We had about three hours before we needed to go to dinner, and I didn't know of anything that I wanted to do. That is, other than brushing my boyfriend's hair. I jump onto my bed and watch him. I feel like such a stalker, but he was hypnotizing me! I had reason! He must have felt my gaze because he turned around, "Are you okay?" I growled, "So mean to me...." He chuckled and stopped the action, "Do you want to brush it?" I nod eagerly and jump off the bed, taking the brush. I begin to pull the brush through his hair, happier than ever as the ribbons slid through my fingers. He laughed, "Do you like my hair that much?" "Maybe..." I say, putting the brush on the dresser and starting to play with the waves. "Can I braid it?" "No." "Please?" "No." I sigh, but put it up in its normal ponytail. I run my fingers through it a few more times before letting the locks fall and returning to my top bunk. He packs his brush and a few things out of the bathroom before closing his case and sitting on his bed underneath me. I lean over as he says, "If you still want to, you can play with it as much as you want on the train." My face brightens immediately and a smile spreads over my features, "Thank you, Kandy!"

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