Chapter 14: Confrontations and Concieving Kanda's

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      For a Wednesday, the library was not nearly as crowded as it should be. Maybe it was because of Thanksgiving tomorrow. I asked the librarian at the front if I could use the computer and she nodded, not looking up from her newspaper.

I sit at a computer as far away from anyone as possible, the pain in my stomach easing ever so slightly. After getting the computer set up, I click into the search engine. It took a few minutes of searching, but I eventually found a medical site that had boxes to put in your symptoms and it brought up possible illnesses. I go through the boxes quickly, inserting cramps, chills, vomiting, increased hunger, and increased sleep.

It loads for a second, the anticipation driving me mad. I gasp. There was only one "sickness" that came up. Frantically, I use different key words. No, it was the same, and I did this about ten times before giving up. Did it make sense? I was a man! I had the things a guy had, regardless of being gay! Go ask Kanda, because he knew just as much as I did.

I stand from the desk and bolt out the door. There was only one person who would be answering to this, and that was Komui. He had something to do with this, and he was going to explain why the computer consistently was saying I was pregnant.

I don't think as I barge into the lunatic's office, my stomach aching so bad I was on the verge of screaming. As I plopped down on the couch, Komui gazed at me, "Do you need something?"

I growl, "Start talking. I'm sick with something and all I can come up with is pregnancy. Now, what the heck did you do!?"

He nodded, "I understand that you don't like the situation, but I'm performing an experiment to see if we can give birth to an exorcist."

What did he say? Was he telling me that he was using me as a lab rat? I yell, "What gave you the right to screw with my body?! Are you saying I'm pregnant!?"

I have no clue how he was keeping his composure through this. Furious was an understatement of my emotions. He calmly said, "I realize that it was awful to use you as an experiment without your permission, but yes, Allen, you are pregnant."

He said the impossible. With all the emotions welling up inside me, all I can ask is, "How?"

Before he begins, he asks, "Do you want to get Kanda? I assume he's the father."

"No! I mean, he is the...the...I'm not telling him anything!" I stutter, not wanting to believe that there was a "father".

"Okay, then I'll tell you then," he said. "The pills I gave you had tiny pieces of Innocence in them. The Innocence bonded with yours, making it possible that if it was fertilized, an egg could become a baby. The pain you're experiencing is from the false uterus growing. It should begin to subside in a few days, but you need to be careful with moving too much, or you could strain your body."

I sit, staring at my hands, utterly speechless. I had a baby inside me. A baby! The way he said it, and the symptoms, it all made sense, but it just couldn't be true! I was a guy, and guys don't get pregnant! And what about in eight months when I was ready to deliver? I don't have the organs or whatevers to give birth. I ask, "What about when it's time to..."

He smiled, "See, that's the spirit! We'll perform a C-section and take out the baby and false uterus."

I didn't want this. I didn't want to be a mother or father or whatever. Silently, I stand, slamming the door behind me as I leave. Komui was such a jerk, and I hope he rots and dies for doing this to me. I was officially the biggest freak of nature in the world. I was pretty screwed up before, but this was worse, much worse. Opening the door, I see Kanda reading on the bed. He glanced up, "Are you okay?"

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