Chapter 35: World war Walker: Defeat

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        I knew I wasn't going to last much longer at this point. It was an impossibility much to my despair.

All Kanda had to do to make me drool was take off his shirt or wear that kimono, and he wasn't even fazed when I tried the other outfit, just said I should go to dinner that way. He is such a jerk!

At the moment, he was practicing with Mugen in the training room while I paced in the middle of the room in skinny jeans and my "I Love My Sadistic Seme" crop top plotting my next move. Lenalee and Lavi had helped to the best of their abilities and earlier they wished me luck on a not so severe punishment. Yeah, thanks so much, guys.

Last night, I even tried walking around in nothing but an apron that said "Uke on the Prowl" in blue letters, and after I lay down on my stomach, Kanda undid the tie with his teeth and insisted I take it off. Sometimes, I just want to duck tape his mouth and see him get mad just to see him lose it, though I want to be able to have children one day, so to speak. Kanda wears the pants in our relationship, and I really don't care that I'm the girl because it feels good either way.

Sitting on the bed, I lie on my back with my hands above my head, staring up at the mattress, and close my eyes, waiting for my boyfriend to return. I didn't want to be alone, even if Ice was curled up in her latest hiding place, that being Kanda's underwear drawer. I totally understand the appeal, but then again, I'm his boyfriend and Ice is a cat so maybe we liked it for completely different reasons.

At that moment, the door opens, and I open my eyes and rise up enough to take in Kanda's appearance, his mouth-watering appearance. He props Mugen up against the wall, a drop of sweat falling off his chin as he straightens again, and walks into the bathroom, pulling off his shirt as he went and revealing his muscled back. Calm down, Allen, calm down! He may be inhumanly sexy, but you can outlast him if you keep your eyes shut and don't look.

I follow my own advice, closing my eyes and trying to wait it out. Just when I was feeling peaceful, I hear from the bathroom and coming closer, "Hey, Allen, will you help me?"

"With what?" I ask, not risking opening my eyes. The bed sinks slightly as he sat on the edge and says, "I have a knot on my back. Can you work it out?"

Giving up, I sit up and look at him. His back was facing me, the sweat still glistening from his hard work with his katana, and his hair pulled over his shoulder. Deciding to at least to attempt something, I wrap my legs around his hips from the back, starting to move my hands along his shoulder blades while applying pressure. It's only when my foot feels a ragged end that I realize his black jeans are unbuttoned and unzipped, and I blush, pushing harder as he moans, "Allen, it' tight."

Gulping, I feel my legs involuntarily try to push together when he says it and I begin to massage his neck and shoulders, growling, "You are the meanest boyfriend ever."

"I know," he replies. "I just like to get what I want."

Another growl escapes me before he throws his head back with a loud moan, "More...harder, Allen."

Needless to say that I was the one saying that half an hour later, and I was not happy the next day.

"Kanda, please don't do this to me!" I beg as he hooks the leash to the collar, smirking. He ignored me, pulling the other end so I'll follow him out the door, my collar tinkling. I really, really hated Lavi right now since it was his idea for this to be punishment, and Kanda couldn't be happier to be dragging me to the cafeteria on a leash.

The outfit wasn't too bad, though I didn't pick it out. No, that was Lenalee, but she wasn't trying to choose something that would make me want to cower in shame. I was wearing the black cat ears and tail, skinny jeans, and a black shirt that said in white letters, "PROPERTY OF MY SEME".

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