Chapter 48: Achoo!

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      A sneeze wakes me up before I start coughing. It takes a moment for me to settle down, but when I do, I notice my throat is sore.

"Allen, are you okay?" Kanda asks, setting his book to the side and sitting up. Nodding, I reply, "Yeah, I'm fine."

My voice was hoarse and it was hard to get the words out, and I try to clear my throat. It was pointless though. Forcing me to sit up, Kanda presses his forehead to mine and mutters, "You've got a serious fever."

"Then you could catch it, too!" I say, pulling away, but he brings me back, stroking my hair. Shaking his head, he says, "I don't get sick, and you know that."

Rubbing my baby bump, I ask, "What about her?"

Standing and walking into the bathroom, the bluenette says, "It won't hurt her, but you need to go to the infirmary."

"No!" I object, taking the glass of water he had brought me and sipping at the liquid. "I'll be okay!"

"Shut up, and get dressed. I don't care if I have to carry you, because I will," he threatens, tossing some clothes to me from my and his dresser. Pouting with my ears against my head, I slip on the underwear and jeans, making sure my tail was tucked into them, and then I pull on his shirt, buttoning it up. My stomach had swelled so much that I couldn't wear my turtlenecks because they were too tight, but I didn't mind. It's a new excuse to wear Kanda's shirt!

Honestly, I felt like utter crap at the moment, and as soon as I had the clothes on, I curl up under the blankets again, closing my heavy eyes.

Everyone else in the Order had lost their ears and tails at this point, so I had to hide mine again, but they didn't bother me as much as they were before. The bed sinks down ever so slightly after a few moments before a cold nose is pressed to my forehead, and Ice hops onto my side, "massaging" me with her paw and crying, "Daddy feels bad, meow?"

"I'm fine, Ice. Kanda's just overreacting like the worrier he is," I insist, knowing I'm being glared at by said worrier even though my eyes are shut. The next time the bed sinks, Ice has to leap off me, and I feel a warm, calloused hand caressing my cheek. Continuing to baby me, my boyfriend asks, "Seriously, do you want me to carry you?"

Sitting up with my feet on the floor to his right, I shake my head, "It's just a cold, Kanda. I think I can make it to the infirmary."

Not waiting for a reply, I stand from the bed, intending to go put my boots on, but as soon as my head's altitude changed, my vision began to swim. It wasn't that bad even though it was hard to find my balance, because it wasn't as much the dizziness as it was my calves feeling clenched. Basically, I felt like jell-o.

In less than a second, I could feel strong arms around me and Kanda's chest in front of me as I lean against him, closing my eyes because I was getting a headache, and the bluenette sarcastically says, "Yeah, you can walk to the infirmary, Baka."

Remaining silent, I allow him to reach an arm down and hook it under my knees, picking me up bridal style as I rest my head on his shoulder with my hands laced together around his neck. Quietly so I wouldn't irritate my throat more than necessary, I ask, "Aren't I heavy?"

"No," he chuckles as we leave the room. "Allen, I can bench press two-hundred pounds. It's easy to carry a sprout like you."

Gaping, I repeat, "Two-hundred pounds?!"

He doesn't reply, and I didn't mind that the conversation died there. My throat felt like every time I swallowed or spoke that there was a sewing needle poking around, and needless to say, it wasn't a good feeling.

From the looks of the sky, I think that it wasn't past eight in the morning, so most people were in the cafeteria, but I wasn't all that hungry at the moment believe it or not. Whimpering quietly, I nuzzle my face into Kanda's shoulder as we near the infirmary, and when the door opens, I immediately hear, "What's wrong with him?! Is it the baby?!"

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