Chapter 27: A Christmas to Remember

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       They say that there is great responsibility when caring for a pet. Well, they never told me it would interfere with my sex life.

It's true; Ice wants to be the center of attention at all times, so we ended up closing her up in the bathroom. But even then, she wouldn't stop crying, not that it mattered after a while. Though, I found it amusing that every time Kanda threw an article of clothing across the room, Ice would get it and drag it back to the bed even though she fell several times on it because of her missing appendage. When she did get it to the bed, she would mew happily like it was a life goal of hers. The cat scares me sometimes.

When Kanda and I finally settled down, the feline decided to sleep with Kanda, not that he was thrilled with the small critter cutting off his oxygen supply. I'm serious, he actually held me in one arm with Ice draped across his neck, tail in my face.

That night, I thought that with all the joy in the day that I would have some peace, but it was too much to ask for. My eyes flash open, Kanda asleep beside me and tears streaming from my eyes. Awful things nightmares are. They just sit and laugh that hoarse, callous cackle they have while we humans huddle in fear.

I sit up and in a few seconds, I'm next to the Christmas tree with my pillow. The tears won't stop as images flash through my mind, mostly of Kanda with slashes across his wrists and blood pooled in the floor. I was too late, his body already losing its heat.


I turn at the small cry from behind me, and Ice is limping across the floor to me. I whisper, "It's okay. I'm okay."

I could almost swear I saw her shake her head as she crawled onto my lap. I was sitting cross-legged, so the she-cat easily placed her front paw on my chest as she stretched up toward me on her hind-paws. Not sure what she was trying to do, I leaned closer to her, and our noses touch. The wetness and coolness coming from her muzzle was somewhat soothing as she purred, pulling away and settling beside me.

Ice gazed at me, sitting and staring into my eyes. There was something oddly familiar in her eyes, something almost haunting. As I tried to pinpoint what that something was, her eyes seemed to flash, and I saw it.

It wasn't her eyes that were familiar, it was mine. Two-faces were represented by the colors, blood red and pure silver. The silver eye was what others saw me as. They thought I was innocent and unharmed, not a scar on me, but the red showed a totally different side, the broken side. I could see the look of not being to find a place to belong, not reaching out to anyone. The red of the blood I had caused myself to shed.

She mewed to me, as if saying finally. I could nearly swear she was human, the way she reacted to me and seemed to respond. I felt like I was staring at the person that was supposed to save me.

I ask, "Are you going to help me with the nightmares?"

"Meow," she replied, and I know I saw it this time. She nodded.

"Why do you seem so human?" I wonder aloud, not sure if there was something more going on. Maybe the vitamins did this? Does talking to a cat count as altering DNA? Ice mewed again, and I switched to lying on my stomach with my arms under my chin, my pillow under my arms.

I mutter, "If you start talking, I'm going to Komui, just saying." Again, the kit nodded, and lay down on her stomach like I was, her one paw under her fuzzy chin as she waited for me to begin. I started, "Well, since I got in this fight with Kanda, I've been getting these awful nightmares."

Seeming confused, Ice looked at the bluenette asleep on the bed and back to me. I say, "Yeah, that's Kanda."

She nodded, and I continue, "Anyways, I keep getting these nightmares about him cutting or committing suicide. It keeps getting worse, and I'm afraid to sleep."

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