Chapter 26: A Christmas Kitten for Kitten

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        "Allen, wake up!"

I bolt straight up, my chest heaving and covered in a cold sweat, and look around. Kanda had a worried expression as he exhaled deeply, "Another nightmare?"

Making sure it was a nightmare, I move the strap of his sleeveless shirt and nod when there is no blood. It was just a nightmare. My boyfriend laid back down, his arm stretched out behind me as an invitation to go back to sleep in his arms. Longingly, I gaze at him, but shake my head, "I'm not going to sleep again."

"Do you want me to stay up with you? I hate to see you like this," he offered, sitting back up and wrapping an arm around my waist.

I lean into him, resting my head on his strong shoulder, "No. You need sleep, but I'm used to it. I went through this after Mana died, too."

He nods, and I silently whimper as he pulls away from me, looking up at me as he lays back. Not able to help myself, I bend down and press our lips together softly. There's something about his lips that always comforted me. Maybe it was the roughness that could bruise my skin, yet a warmth that can rival fire. Maybe it was the fact that they could be so tender at times, so loving, and then be forceful, need and lust evident. Whatever it was, I knew that I was always sad when they left mine.

Quietly, I kicked the blankets off my legs, covered by my sweatpants, and stood up. I tugged a pillow off the top bunk, clutching it to me as I sat in front of Christmas tree.

It was about three in the morning, and usually by now I would have been sitting here already, but somehow I managed to ward off the nightly terrors until now.

On the bright side, today is Christmas Eve, and I was really anxious for opening presents in about sixteen hours. I never was very patient when it came to my birthday/Christmas presents, and it showed. I wanted to know what Kanda got me!

I can feel the dark eyes boring into my back as I flop to my side, holding my pillow instead of putting it under my head. The multi-colored lights twinkled softly, reminding me somewhat of colorful stars, and the blue like the midnight-eyed samurai in the bed.

Every time I had a nightmare, I refused to go back to sleep, and Kanda always wanted to stay up and comfort me, but I could only find myself crying when he held me when the wound was fresh in my mind, a wound that wouldn't heal for several days and nights.

The hours passed like minutes to me, even though I watched the sun rise slowly. I didn't even notice that Kanda was up until I jumped when he put his hand on my shoulder, "You scared me!"

"Sorry," he chuckled. "I need you to go eat and do something for the next couple hours, okay?"

I smile evilly, "And if I don't?"

"Then no birthmas present for you," he replied, walking into the bathroom.

I growl as I stand, throw my pillow on the top bunk, and follow him, grabbing a change of clothes out of my dresser as I go. Even though I had been up almost all night, I was wide awake, and I always try to stay positive during the day, regardless of who I was with. He was turning on the shower, only in his boxers, and I blush, looking away. As I stare at the wall, I feel strong arms wrap around my waist, and I know that he was stark naked now as he whispers, "You can give me something else for Christmas."

"What's that?" I ask, turning around to see the amatory glint in is dark eyes. He smirks and says, "Get undressed while I'm not in the shower."

The heat in my cheeks spikes, and I know that he had been conniving this for a while. I glower at him as I say, "Do I get to turn around?"

"Nope," he states, not one hint of mercy in his entrancing eyes. "You have to look at me."

I whine and give him the most innocent and pleading eyes I possibly can, the silver probably resplendent with silent pleas. He wasn't even fazed as he pulls at the hem of my sweatpants. I knew all too well that I wasn't getting out of this, and if I tried to, Kanda would most likely act even more sadistic in bed than he normally does. Whimpering, I replace his hand with both of mine, slipping out of the fabric while staring at his neck. When I go to pull off my shirt though, he planted his middle and index finger under my chin, bringing my eyes up to meet his gaze.

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