Chapter 56: Karaoke and Kanda

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         "But it's my birthday! I want to go, too, Daddy!" Kiseki whined, ears laid back in an all out display of adorableness. Shaking my head, I say, "Aunt Foxy and Aunt Fou will put you to bed, and when Chichi and I get back, we'll come give you a kiss."

Pouting, she nods and releases my jeans, allowing Foxy to pick her up and cradle her. My daughter is too smart for her new age of one, and she specializes in whining. It's unknown to me why Lavi and Kanda were taking Lenalee and me out to a club tonight, but we went along with it. I mean, we aren't going to turn down a date, but something seemed different, like there was a surprise waiting for us. Lenalee obviously didn't catch on to that as she clung to the rabbit's arm, laughing and having fun while I walk silently beside my boyfriend, every so often stealing a glimpse at him through the corner of my eye.

Again, something about the way he looked was unsettling. His eyes seemed bigger than normal, the blue brighter, and his jaw would clench and relax repeatedly as he walked with one hand in his pocket, something he rarely did. Did he look...nervous?

It takes a moment for me to realize that he was looking at me with an eyebrow raised, and I quickly glance down, finding my shoes amazing as he chuckles.

"Nearly two years, and you still blush whenever you're caught staring," Kanda says, wrapping an arm around my waist, and he pulls me to him. Flushing darker, I stutter, "D-do not!"

"And you look even cuter when you look like a strawberry trying to cover it up," he muses, giving me a quick kiss on the head before breaking away from me to open the door. As I walk into the club behind Lenalee and Lavi, I notice the stage in the back of the room. A large bar was to my right, and there were loveseats everywhere, some much smaller than others. Lavi leads us towards the back, sitting on what looked like two of the small seats pushed together at an angle and conjoined at the corner, and I sit towards the bend, Lenalee to my left and Kanda to my right.

There was a girl on stage right now, singing a rock song I didn't recognize, and Lavi leaned in towards the petite coffee table so we could all hear as he says, "I have a game idea. We each have to sing a song to our girlfriend or boyfriend."

Confusion set in before Kanda whispered in my ear, "It's karaoke night."

Nodding, I say, "Okay, Lavi, Lenalee, me, and then Kanda."

"Sounds good," Lavi agrees as he runs to tell the person in the back who would be singing next. Glancing at Kanda, I find him leaning against the back of the loveseat, and to me, he seemed like he was attempting to meditate. Oh well, he's talking!

"Kanda, did you know it was karaoke night?" I ask, prodding his shoulder.

Not opening his eyes, the bluenette answered, "Yes."

Lavi hopped on stage, and I try not to stare as the music to "Sexy Back" by Justin Timberlake started playing. Turning back to Kanda, I continue, "Then why did you want to come?"

"Can't I do something romantic for my boyfriend?" he muttered.

"Yeah, but―"

"I knew you would like it if I sang, so I figured why not? Lavi had been aggravating me nonstop to sing anyways, because he wanted to know if I was really any good," he said, eyes still closed as he pulled me down to cuddle against his chest. Nodding, I say, "Okay. Thank you."

He doesn't reply, simply holds me tighter, and I smile and watch Lavi. Though, the smile quickly fades as he attempts to dance....

Lenalee sings a much better song: "Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry. Even Kanda taps his fingers on my back to the beat, and I must admit, she's a great singer.

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