bonus chapter 57: Sweet Sixteen

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           Rubbing my eyes and yawning, I sit up in my bed, stretching out my cramped muscles, and I see Yoru on the floor. Confused, I ask, "How'd you get down there?"

"It's not my fault, meow! You had another weird dream, meow, and you kicked me, meow, then proceeded to make-out with the wall, meow!" she explained, standing and shaking herself. Ice died from old age when I was nine, but nearly immediately, I found a little black kitten wandering around outside the Order in the snow, crying for help from the cold.

"Sorry," I apologize. Then, I remember what today was. Yes, I'm finally sixteen! Hopping up from my bed, I scoop up Yoru in my arms and carry her into the bathroom along with the outfit Daddy picked out for me. After putting the cat on the vanity, I begin to change into the black tank top and matching knee-length skirt, complete with leggings.

My room and bathroom were the exact same as Daddy and Chichi's except it was flipped, so our beds were side-by-side, plus the wall in the middle. Once I was in the new outfit, I look at Yoru, "What do you think?"

"Allen needs to be a fashion designer, meow. You look smoking hot, meow!" she replies. Smiling, I begin brushing my hair and put it up into the French braid that Daddy likes so much. Kurohana used to wear one, so he thought that it would be a good reminder of her, even if Cross and Tiedoll both are never here. Even in the braid, my piano hair still fell past my butt, and it aggravates me that I have a tendency to sit on it. After brushing my teeth, I go to my make-up.

Since I was born, Daddy wanted me to express myself however I wanted, as long as that didn't mean I slept around and walked through the Order in clothes that made me look like an advertisement, and I do just that. Express myself, that is. I've had people ask if I'm emo, but no, just Goth. It's not that I wear nothing but black and have vampire fangs. No, I wear heavy make-up, like eyeliner, black eye shadow, no blush, and black lipstick. Everything about it outlines my red eyes, and I've scared people before because of my eye color.

Slipping on my ebony boots, I slip out the door, quickly knocking on Dad's. When it opens, his hair is fuzzed up everywhere and his chrome eyes are tired and drooping, but he brightens when he sees it's me. Throwing his arms around me, he says, "Happy birthday, Kiseki."

"Thanks, Dad. I'll be back later. First, I've got to finally prove I'm better than Chichi," I explain, pointing towards the training room.

Rolling his eyes, Allen nods, "Okay. Remember what we talked about."

"I know, morph," I say, walking towards the training room. When I see the doors opened, I leap up, coming back down as a snow leopard, and I slowly creep closer to the door, ears perked. The first sound I hear is metal slicing through the air and footsteps, and I move to the entrance, eyes narrowing to target my blindfolded father.

The training room had been altered slightly to involve things dangling from the ceiling and platforms on the walls, and as I crept around the corner, I jump onto a ledge a little over seven feet up and change into human form again. Moving to the next ledge, I have to morph my hands into paws, digging my claws into the edge of the ridge so I could pull myself up, and now I'm a good eighteen feet off the ground.

Kanda had stopped slashing invisible enemies and was now facing me, "Aren't you going to attack? An akuma won't give you time to play with your tail."

"Yeah, then take off your blindfold and watch me kick your butt," I growl, waiting for him to do just that. When he looks up at me, I take a deep breath and begin the maneuver I've been practicing for weeks, but I've never been this high. Leaping off the ledge, I begin to run as fast as I can across the wall, moving around platforms as I burst from the wall, and I bowl myself into Chichi, for the first time getting him on his back. Mugen is still in his hand though, and I duck and avoid numerous attacks, blocking a few with my tail after changing it to a blade.

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