Chapter 43: Words I'd Never Thought You'd Say

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          It had been almost a week now since the incident with Sekushi in the hall, and personally, I hadn't been giving it much thought. When I went to dinner, Lavi and Lenalee were there eating, but when I asked about Kanda, they said that he'd talked to some female finder and then stormed off towards our room.

Opening the door, I find Kanda lying on the bed, reading a new book, and I hop on the bed next him, "Hi, Kandy! How'd the mission go?"

He doesn't reply or look away from his book, and I ask, "Kanda?"

Nothing. Prodding his shoulder, I press, "Did something happen?"

"You tell me," he growls, anger illuminating his cobalt eyes as he death glares his book.

"Nothing happened here. It's just been a normal week," I say, sitting cross-legged next to him. The book was probably on the verge of bursting into flames as he casually says, "Really? I figured that it would have been awesome since you sure won't lonely in Sekushi's bed."

Freezing, I stutter, "W-what do you m-m-mean? W-we didn't d-do anything, I swear!"

"Then why are you stuttering?" he asks, turning that burning glare he had to me as I fall off the bed to my back, pain jarring me slightly. Shaking my head even though he couldn't see me, I explain, "He was drunk, and pinned me to the wall. Then, he kissed me, but I bit his tongue and ran. Nothing more happened!"

Rustling told me that Kanda was moving as he grumbled, "That's not what the finder I talked to said."

"Are you really going to believe some finder over me?" I ask, hurt leaking into my voice. His deep voice sounds, "I figured that if it was nothing that you'd tell me, and since you didn't, I can only assume that you were hiding it."

Curling up in the floor, I let the tears come willingly as I protest, "I didn't cheat on you, I swear! Please, believe me!"

"Whatever," Kanda growls as he stands from the bed and walks out the door, a clatter telling me he took Mugen and the slam saying he was ready to skewer someone if they said anything to him. It truly was great timing to be hit with chills as I scurry into the bed, wrapping the blankets around my shivering body, and the cold tears wetting the pillow didn't help anything either.

Why? Why do things like this happen? Never in a million years would I think about cheating on Kanda, or anyone for that matter, but that didn't stop him from thinking I did. In my mind, I always thought that Kanda was overprotective and possessive, and if anything like this happened, he'd just seriously injure the person that tried hitting on me. That didn't bother me at all since I was really disgusted, and it's not like I wanted that to happen, but then some finder tells Kanda that I slept with Sekushi!

Trying not to close my eyes, I pray that Kanda will come back and that I won't fall asleep. It was hard enough as it is not to get a razor and cut myself, but if I got a nightmare as bad as the ones I've had, I'd break without a doubt. The baby didn't deserve this treatment, but it can't hurt her, right? It can only hurt me, and even then, it's not really hurting me, just making me feel numb.

"Kanda..." I whisper softly as I fight sleep, but still can't make it leave.

When I wake up, I'm beside Kanda in bed, both of us naked. Not that it bothered me since this is what I wanted. Pulling back the blankets to give him a quick kiss, I jump back, horrified that the man I had just slept with had dirty blond hair and matching eyes.

"What the heck?!" I hear from the door, turning to see Kanda lividly looking between us. Hopping up, I run to him, wanting to feel his arms around me, but as soon as I touch him, he swats me away, watching angrily as I fall to the floor with a thud. Tears welling in my eyes, I cry, "Kanda, I didn't mean to! Really, I'm sorry!"

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