Chapter 55: Kiseki Mana Walker

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        "She is so beautiful," Lenalee whispered, joyful tears falling from her eyes. The baby was fast asleep, but I couldn't see very well until my best friend brought her to me, "Here, but be gentle."

Nodding, I take my daughter into my arms and cradle her, my own tears falling as I do so, and Kanda strokes her cheek lovingly. Lavi, who was standing beside Lenalee with an arm around her waist, asks, "What's her name?"

As soon as he says it, I look up at Kanda, "What's 'miracle' in Japanese?"

"Kiseki," he whispers. "Our miracle, Kiseki Mana Walker."

When the words pass his lips, little Kiseki's eyes open, and I find myself pierced with a gorgeous blood red, the gaze immediately reminding me of her father. Smiling, I say, "She could kill with a death glare, but let's hope she's sweeter than Kanda."

"And yet, you call me Kandy," he teases. A thought crosses my mind, and I ask Lenalee, "What breed is she?"

"See for yourself," she replies, obviously waiting for a reaction from me. Moving his hand from her cheek to the blanket covering her head, Kanda pulls it back, two black and white ears springing forward, and I notice the head-full of hair she had was as pale as mine except for the ebony spots. Scratching behind her ear, I say, "Snow leopard."

"Nya!" Kiseki cried happily, scarlet eyes glimmering.

"Ice will be excited," I say. As I said it, I felt a bit sad. I mean, with the baby born, I won't be able to communicate with the kit anymore.

"Yeah, and they can eat mice and stuff together!" Lavi adds, receiving four equally appalled looks.

"My daughter is not eating mice," Kanda growled. "Though, I'll encourage her to chase some rabbits."

The rabbit the statement was directed at gulped, but I interrupt, "Komui, is there anything wrong with her from the early birth?"

The scientist shook his head, "Nothing bad."

"What does that mean?" Kanda demanded, his hand now cradling Kiseki's face. Komui explains, "As you all are aware of, Innocence does weird things, and in this case, the Innocence sped up the time the rest of the body would have needed in the womb."

Confused, I continue, "What does that have to do with anything?"

"The point is that while that helped her, parts of her brain that normally would be unreachable for a human were unlocked. There's no way to tell what effect it will have until she's older, but if I took a guess, she might just be able to have an extraordinary memory."

"And if it's more than that?"

"Then it could be possible for her to hold information in her brain better than Bookmen, among other things. She could become extremely keen on emotions and body language, more than a regular feline or person. She won't get super powers, but she could be one of the most intelligent people in the world."

"Why would that be bad?" I ask, even more confused.

Komui shakes his head, "Not for me. For you. She'll be able to sense unease, fear, and she'll know where your scars come from if she sees them. By the time she turns seven, she'll be as smart, if not smarter, as Lavi. She'll be able to walk in weeks, and talk in days. It's not a bad thing, but I'm afraid that if the authorities found out about this, they might try to put her on the battlefield before she's four."

"Like heck they will!" Kanda growled quietly, death dripping from his voice. "I'm not letting her fight until she's sixteen."

Komui looks down, "This experiment wasn't acknowledged beyond the European Branch, Bak, Lou Fa, and Fou. We might have to hide her if such things happened."

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