Chapter 6: Innocence in Cobalt part 1

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      After a hot make out session, I'm left breathless next to a shirtless samurai. We still had about half an hour before we get to Cobalt, and retrieve the Innocence. In my opinion, the trip over to assist finders was stupid, but orders are orders.

     We lay together until the train stops and we get our stuff. After departing from the train station, Kanda and I walk to where the finders were supposed to be. I'm not sure about the bluenette, but I had no clue where we were going. All I knew was that as I strolled along with him was that I wished that we could still be at the Order. I wanted to continue what we were doing in the train compartment with the fogged up windows. I blush at the thought of the dirty things we were doing.

     My eyes scan the crowded streets, looking for our targets. I find nothing and that's when it hits me. Wooziness trying to take me down in its grasp, I use all my effort to not sleep on the spot. I had slept good last night, but I can't shake the feeling. Eyelids threatening to fall, I rub them, but can't rid myself of the urge to nap. My vision begins to blur slightly, two images of Kanda beside me and the sun casting a silver, moon-like shine. I don't even feel the impact as I hit the ground and black out.

      My hearing comes to me first, detecting voices behind me. One was definitely Kanda's and the other two were unfamiliar.

      "We found the Innocence hidden in a toy shop," someone says, probably a finder.

     I recognize Kanda's huff, not understanding his dismay, "Why were you in there to begin with?!"

      "We sensed it was in there so we got it. Do you realize how many people were staring at the two men looking through a box of furry handcuffs?"

      Another huff from my boyfriend, and I hear him sit in a rolling chair beside me. I can sense that I'm lying in a bed and can smell Moonlight Mist. Though they're heavy, I slowly manage to open my eyes. A small ceiling fan is running above me, and the light was coming from a lamp beside me. A hotel room. I was in a hotel room.

     "Kanda?" my throat is dry, but I manage. The bluenette rolls closer to me and says, "What happened to you?"

      "How should I know? I was unconscious," I reply, wondering why I had.

      "One minute you were walking beside me, the next I heard you fall. While I was bringing you here, I ran into the finders. Plus, they lost the Innocence," I heard agitation and worry in his voice as he explained.

     I pushed myself up into a sitting position, but immediately regret it as wooziness fills me, and I flop back down. "Don't sit up, Baka," Kanda says. I grunt, but make no objection as I lay there. Suddenly, he stands and grabs Mugen from where it was propped up against the wall, "I'm going to look for the Innocence. I'll start at the shop to see if someone took it there, and then search around the town."

     I whine, "I want to go! I can help!" I attempt to sit up again, but Kanda pushes me back down, "No, you're staying in this bed until you're well again. Besides, I'm not letting you go anywhere near that store."

     I glare at the finders as they chuckle. I growl, "It's just a kid's store!" Kanda rolls his eyes, obviously tired of my confusion, "You can think that, but I'm not letting go in that store. You still have innocence left in you."

      "Then what's Mugen if it's not Innocence?" I challenge, not understanding his issue. He opens the door, "One of you explain it to him!"

      One of the finders follows him out the door and shuts it behind him. The other sits in the rolling chair Kanda was in. What was wrong with the store? Did Kanda discriminate against my type of Innocence? My head throbbed from the mixture of emotion and dizziness in my mind. I was scared to sleep without Kanda, but I was so tired!

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