Chapter 2: Made it Back Safe & Sound

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Constantly drifting and turning, the man was driving quickly as the sun was slowly going down and the moon was slowly rising up. He was driving through many streets, rushing for his sake.

Continuing to drive, there was a police street barricade blocking the street of Union Avenue. He then crashed through the barricade, pieces flying everywhere on the red convertible. It caused the man to stop on his trail. After crashing it though, the man began to turn around his car to continue to his destination.

The man was now driving through Culver City as he was now driving through Culver Boulevard with complete silence. Culver City was no different with the small city being deserted, roots taking over the space of the city, and corpses scattered throughout the city. Markets, restaurants, and houses of the city were still standing and covered by roots, yet they're outdated with windows broken and walls damaged.

From there, as he slows down his vehicle with his headlights on, there was a fortified apartment up ahead. It was about three stories high, with the windows and doors being boarded up by metal, a garage with needles attached on the edges, lights and barbed wire attached on the roof, and a Parabellum machine gun with sandbags attached on the balcony of the third floor. There were black bars with sharpe tips around the apartment with a large foundation in front of it. The color was light gray as it didn't have much roots covering it and was standing strongly, unlike the rest of the apartments and houses throughout the city.

It became cold and windy as the moon was high in the sky full of stars. The sound of chirping was the only sound the man heard on this nightfall. He looked around his neighborhood with his gun prepared for anything that might come out in the night. There was no sight of anything, but he was still gripping his gun on his right hand. With the coast being clear, the man opens the glove box in his car, in which he got a remote control for a garage.

"This looks like another close call for Morgan Neville," said the man named Morgan as he points the remote to the garage.

He presses the middle button, and the garage door began to open slowly with Morgan ready to drive in.

"And I thought I wasn't going to make it on time."

As the garage door was fully open, a sudden light began to shine in front of his convertible with the colors of orange and yellow. Morgan was blinded. He had to use his hands to cover his eyes in order to prevent the light from keeping him from seeing. As this was happening, he felt something grabbing him through the car door.

Morgan got pulled out of his convertible from a figure wearing purple and black armor on it's body, a Greek like helmet, and holding a torch with orange and yellow flames on it. The human was on the concrete floor to take one good look at this figure before realizing who it was.

The figure was a four legged creature with the color of grey-brown fur, purple bats wings beside on their armor, a purple tail, big snakes eyes with yellow pupids, has hooves holding the torch instead of hands, and looks like it has a height that goes up to the man's chin.

It was a pony. A royal night guard who was under the command of one of its rulers.

"Oh great, you Bat Pony Guards got me," said Morgan with his mood being sarcastic towards the royal guard.

"Now when will you creatures learn to leave me alone!" he shouted with anger.

After he said that, he kicked the royal guard on the face, causing it to fall and the helmet to come off. The man got up with the height of 6'0" feet tall as he opens the door to get in, but the pony guard got him by the ankles.

"There's no way you're escaping this time, human!" said the apparently purple maned male royal guard.

As the pony held on to him, his nose was bleeding red. But that didn't stop him from letting go.

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