Chapter 29: The New Experiment

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Morgan and Rainbow Dash enter the garage. Morgan parked his car and got out to and walks to the trunk to open it. The unconscious changeling was resting as Morgan and Rainbow Dash grab it and walk to the elevator. It was heavy for Morgan to carry by himself, but Rainbow Dash help him carries it as he elevator doors open and the two enter with the changeling. Morgan pressed the lab room button while Rainbow Dash look at the garage that was fill with fast looking cars before the doors closes. The elevator begins to move up as the two were quiet.

Rainbow Dash felt awkward to be quiet, but Morgan was beginning to hum a sweet tone. She watches the scientist as he had his eyes closes and swing his head side to side slowly. The human has a smile on his face as he enjoyed humming to himself.

"That was beautiful," whispered Rainbow Dash as Morgan open his eyes and look at her.

"Oh, you heard me humming," spoke Morgan who was embarrassed. "I just do it because it helps me relax when I'm here. It helps me feel like I'm actually at home in times like this."

"Well, it was great to hear," spoke Rainbow Dash before the elevator doors opens.

Morgan and Rainbow Dash carry the unconscious changeling to the lab table as they place it on the table. Morgan then begins to tie the changeling on the table as Rainbow Dash watch. After he finished tying the changeling, he then went to his computer and turns it on. Morgan also walks to another table where flasks and tubes were being heated with rainbow liquid substance in it bubbling from the heat. He grabs a grabber to get a heated tube with the rainbow substance and grab a shot. He put the needle of the shot in the tube and sucks in the substance. Rainbow Dash looks in awe as her hair was change to a portion of some kind while Morgan grabbed another shot and places it towards his arm. She watches as Morgan begin to inject the needle in his arm as he took out some of his blood out in the shot. Morgan then places the two shots to the table where the computer was as he begins to record.

[/Video Log Begin]

[Date: 5/26/19]

[Known Human Population: 1]

Hello, it's me again. I have made an ally with two of the ponies. Big surprised there, for I thought all ponies were monsters. Two of the ponies are named Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy is at a pony populated place called Ponyvillie, but I have Rainbow Dash with me. Say hello Rainbow Dash.

Morgan move away to show Rainbow Dash, who smile and wave at the camera. Morgan then went in front of the camera again.

Those two are actually good friends. I don't know if all ponies are friendly like them or believe in Celestia or Luna. I have a new test subject, and it's different. This subject I have is called a changeling.

Morgan then moves the computer to show the unconscious changeling on the table.

A changeling is able to shape shift to living beings by looking for someone with so much love. They feed off of someone else love. I don't know how they could do that; I need to study that on a different time. Anyway this is my 24,477 test subject and I'm going to create formula 109.

This is Morgan Neville - I am 28 years old, and I'm the last human.

I am still alive.

[/End Video Log]

[Data Saved]

Morgan then grabbed a flask as he pours the rainbow substance in. He then walk away to grab another flask filled with purple substance. This substance was the magic serum as Rainbow Dash looks at surprised that Morgan has it. Morgan then pours the magic serum on the flask as it mix with the rainbow liquid substance. The two substance mix together before it reacts poof with sparkles. Rainbow Dash thought it looks beautiful before Morgan spin the flask around to continue mixing it. He then grabs a glass tube and pours the liquid in it.

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