Chapter 47: All Coming Together

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A/N: Guess whose back?! I have finally come off from back and now I come across many messages of you guys wanting me to continue. Well now have no fear, because I have given you other chapter. Now to be honest, I have relax a bit too much to not getting the plot on the top of my head and writing the story as if I know everything, so I'm going to give you guys this short chapter in order to go back to my own stories and see what I actually wrote down. It's not filter as it will affect the next chapter.

Also, I am planning on making a YouTube channel. I realize that I have been in my own shell for a long time. Well no more as I want to share why made my fanfics, what was my inspiration, what concepts and ideas I had with my stories, and get a better understanding of what kind of focus I had at the beginning to the end. So when the channel is ready, I'll let you guys and hope you enjoy my content.

Now, here is the chapter. XD

In the dark tunnel from underground, Lexington was standing on top of the stage seeing his fellow subject either hurt or frighten by the appearances of the changelings. He knew that if they tried to come out that the ponies would find them, but he never seen the ponies looks so disgusting and disfigured in his life. The black skin and the green neon eyes seem to make these ponies represent the demons they try to pray off with their consent believe of the Alpha. Speaking of the Alpha, Lexington look back at the bomb closely, seeing it's worn out shape from the dust it has collected over the years of hiding. He turns to his subject and step forward.

"My people, we have been found," Lexington spoke. "But it doesn't mean that we will let them full turn us to whatever monstrous creature they have become. These ponies are evolution to their true colors and we must stop them before they can evolution to unstoppable killing machines."

Everyone else look at each other, seeing fear and terror in their own eyes.

"But we can't don't," said one of the crowd members.

"We are outnumbered," said another member.

"We can't battle those kinds of ponies."

"They will kill us all!"

"Silence!" shouted Lexington as the room stopped their worries. "Have you guys gone mad?! We have the Alpha to guide and protect us. We have the one thing the ponies of our previous land have never took away from us, and that is this!"

Lexington points at the bomb. The other members notice the bomb and they started too whispered to one another.

"B-But we can't, it too suicidal!"

"We can't abuse the power of the Alpha! It's forbidden!"

"There's no way magic could prevent the destruction of the Alpha!"

"Please, everyone, I understand your concern to use the Alpha. I do, but must you realize that these ponies are going to find us sooner or later! And now that they have the traitor Morgan by their side, we will be discovered! So it's right that we must use the Alpha!"

Hearing the powerful and conceiving words of their leaders, the members of the mutants group begin to agree with Lexington. They understand the situation they bare in now with the ponies approaching their land closer and closer. With time shorten, they to act fast.

From the isolated world of the human's, two figures appear. These figures walk forward passing through the large abandon buildings. The sun was now slowly going down as the day as ending and noon was just arriving. The world they have entered did not showcase any sign of life. Or rather, it showcases death and ruins. These figures approach the destroyed freeway that leads to what was once Los Angeles. These figures show a pink earth pony and a yellowish pegasus.

"I-I don't like this Pinkie Pie," said the small pegasus. "This place gives me the creeps."

"Don't worry Kim, this place is safe," Pinkie Pie answered.

"What makes you say that?"

"It's because all my senses aren't going crazy. Also, your dad is at good hands."

"M-My dad is here?" Kim asked with a bit of hope and fear.

Why would she be feeling those two emotions at the same time? This is her father, but she knows her father. The many time her dad was against the idea of having her mother and she be a different species. Yet he continued to live with them instead of splitting the family here from that moment. So she felt conflicted, yet the feeling of not having a father who would tuck you to bed and kiss your forehead makes her miss him more.

"Yeah, I should know because my friends went to check on him. Now we move forward."

The two move forward with one skipping in excitement, while the other hoover above Pinkie Pie thinking how her father would act seeing the daughter who ran off to try looking for him. Does he miss her, or has he forgotten about her. She hopes it would be the former and not the latter.

Back in Equestria, the two princesses were in their palaces standing the balcony. In their view was their land full of their citizens. The citizens were happy with what they have and having the two alicorn as their rulers.

"Celestia, what are we going to do about the Changelings?" asked Luna facing her sister. "They are now on the human side no thanks to the Elements of Harmony. What has happen to them?"

Celestia continues to look down where all of their hard work, conquering of a race that didn't knew they exist, and planning the dominance of their race. Everything that their parents weren't able to accomplished due to limited resources they had at the time. But their two offspring, who was able to control the sun and the moon, did it because of their parents' power and genius intellect, and their own skills of leadership, magic, and military.

"Here's my answer Luna, we will make them realize what they are doing," she replied with a glare a soft smile. "The foundation we have built was for the greater good of this world. Humanity has lost its place to be the dominant species. Humanity have gone away due to their sensitive believes in equality and diversity that was only disguise the true nature. The true nature of these groups was gain power, no matter the group purpose's presentation of a better future."

Luna shook her head, agreeing to her older sister. Celestia wasn't finished with her experience.

"However, we have live and battle our fair share of hardship, dictatorship, and discrimination. We have argued and battle against other species to just live. Then we start to observe these humans and their way of expanding to so much countries and location. Now every living species we have battle against wanted us to take the fate of making a better future of Equeatria to make a peace treaty. So we did, and we have lived a lovely world without humans."

"So, we have to resort to that kind of method then," Luna said as she glances at her sister with a look of taking action.

"Yes my dear sister. We have to set phase one."

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