Chapter 31: Morgan's Last Stand

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The royal guards were in shock to witness how a human has managed to utterly destroy the queen of changelings in one blow. The changelings were also surprised, but at the same time anger at the human harming their queen. Morgan looks around to see all eyes on him. He glare at the royal guards before he look at the changelings. One changeling decides to charge at him, but Morgan hops over it and kick it down. Another charge behind him, but Morgan looks behind him and kick it back to a building. Soon, all the changelings were going for him.

Morgan was in a battle zone as he continues to punch and kick the changelings with the guards still watching him. The rainbow aura was around the human as he continues to strike and toss changelings after changelings away. Morgan looks around to see the guards didn't move a muscle or an inch as he was close to destroying the changelings swarm.

"Leave now! You have a chance to be free! Go!" shouted Morgan before two changelings pile on him.

The royal guards look at each other before looking at Morgan carrying the two changelings and throw them on the air. Morgan look back to see the guards were still watching.

"What are you waiting for?! Go now!"

The royal guards begin to leave as Morgan continues to battle against the changelings. Some royal guards manage to grab the knock out Rainbow Dash and leave Morgan. As every guard was beginning to leave, the changelings were starting to follow them. The unicorn starts to shoot the changelings that were following while the rest of the changelings were trying to charge at Morgan. One grab on of him with its legs wrap on him, but he lift it and pull his fist back.

"Taste the rainbow you ugly bitch!" he shouted as he punch the changeling off him.

The royal guards were now leaving to isolated human place, but they couldn't believe what the human has done. The human has helped them get the changeling and he helps them escape from Queen Chrysalis. Some even look back to the city to see a rainbow color glowing on the center of the place as the changeling swarms begin to charge at him.

Back with Morgan, he looks around to see the other changelings were heading for him. He starts to run back to his car and begin to drive. He looks at his mirror to see the swarm following him. He smiles as he made a turn to head to the hills.

"Yeah, follow papa Morgan to the hills," he spoke as his car made its way to the road to the hills.

His car continues to drive as it was going up on the hill top. He stops when he was at the top and look at the back seat. The case was there and his machine with his sword. He looks around before he grabs his case and opens it. Meanwhile, Queen Chrysalis was wakening as she got up under the rubles she crash to. She was angry at the low creature who dare try to overpower her. She looks around to see her swarm of changelings heading to a hill. She begins to fly to head towards the hill.

Morgan exit out his car with his machine in his right hand and his samurai sword out in his left hand. He notice at the swarm of changelings was coming towards him. As planned, the human begin to shoot his machine gun to the swarm. The changelings were surprised as rain of bullets was heading towards them. Some was hit down by the bullets, but others were flying way to avoid such fate. Morgan continues to shoot until he ran out of his clip. He quickly reloads his clip in one second and begins to shoot again. The changelings try to fly away to avoid the bullet with some falling down by getting hit.

As Morgan was shooting, a green beam hit his chest. He launches back to his car and crash at it to create a dent on his door. He ache in pain and look at his shirt to see a burn wound on his chest. He look back to see Queen Chrysalis descend in front of him. Morgan got up and begins to shoot at her with his machine, but she brings out a magic barrier. Morgan continues to shoot until he ran out. He drops his gun and charge at her with his sword. Queen Chrysalis took out her magic barrier and charge at Morgan with her horn. The strike their weapons at each other, but the sword and the horn only crash against each other. Morgan then begins to swing his sword against Queen Chrysalis who only dodge the strikes or use her horn as defense.

"Give up you dirty creature, you have no chance to beat a queen," said Chrysalis as she hit the sword out of Morgan hand. "What are you going to do now?"

Morgan was breathing heavily to battle against Queen Chrysalis, but he look around to see the changeling army surrounding to two. Their queen was smirking as Morgan saw his sword near the swarm. The human then decide to run to the sword fast leaving a rainbow blurs behind him. He manages to pick up the sword before a changeling pounce on him. He throws the changeling over him and he had his sword in front of him. The changelings were growling at him as Morgan glare at Queen Chrysalis.

"Look, I have already had a hard time trying to deal with the royal guards, but no I have to deal with you changelings! I'm tired of hissing in the shadows and let you just take over places that belongs to humans! I will not let this stand!"

Morgan then begins to charge at the swarm before a big rainbow explosion push back the swarm. Each changeling glares at Morgan, but he would either strike at them with his sword, or hit them with his fist or kicks. Some changeling manages to pile at him, but Morgan pushes him off as he screams in rage. He punches each changeling that charges him in lightning speed. He then begins to swing his sword around as the swarm was backing away from the raged human.

'Oh my, this human is powerful,' thought Queen Chrysalis as she watches Morgan still up with the swarm of the changeling either hurt or knock out.

Morgan was backing away with the sword in hand as some of the changeling was going forward towards him. Morgan continues to walk back until he almost lost his step. He balance him before he look back to see that there was a 70 foot drop at the bottom of the hill. He looks at the swarm as they were growling at him. He was ready to fight, but Queen Chrysalis begins to step forward ahead of the changelings. She approaches Morgan as Morgan was ready to strike.

"Dear human, I must say you are a powerful creature," Queen Chrysalis complimented.

"Uh... Thank you?" said Morgan confused.

"You say that the ponies have ruined your life, yes?"

Morgan looks down and then nod at her.

"How about this, you can join with me and we both can take over the ponies. We will give them the justice that you wish and you will be satisfied of getting your revenge."

Morgan looks at Queen Chrysalis in disbelief. He drops his sword and was thinking of the possibility of joining with her. In one way, Morgan can use an army to help him stop Celestia and Luna. Those two princesses have gone their way to try to destroy him physically and mentality, and he wants to give them the revenge they deserve, but on the other hand, he remembered what Rainbow Dash have said. He can't rely on violence if he needs to show that he is an innocent and lost human who just want his race back. He have achieve in making a human, now he just need other subjects to decide to choose if they want to be human and he want the royal sisters to not ruin it for him.

"No," Morgan replied. "I will not join you. I have seen how violent you creatures have done and I will not let that violence get to me to my goal of proving that I'm innocent and it will not get my race back."

Queen Chrysalis only glares at him before she says, "Fine then."

Unexpectedly, a green beam hit Morgan on his chest again. Morgan hold his chest and he try to charge at her, but another green beam hit him. This time he was launch back and falls off the edge. Morgan begins to fall of the hill. He didn't know that this was going to be his ending. He manages to escape death many times, but this time there was no help from timberwolves or kind ponies. This was going to be his ending. Queen Chrysalis watch as the human fell to the ground. The human was close the ground before he crash through it to create a big hole. Queen Chrysalis and the changelings laugh at hi before they begin to fly away. The swarm of changelings left the isolated human town, but there was no human left.

Back in the lab, the female human was till resting with her breathing going smoothly. As the lab was quiet and peaceful, the female human open her eyes.

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