Chapter 27: Unforgiving

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The royal guards of Celestia and Luna were traveling in the land in their destination back to the isolated city where the humans used to live. Some Pegasus guards fly in the night skies as the unicorns and earth ponies were marching on land with many weapons like swords, bow arrows, axes, etc. They were thinking of many ways their journey might fulfill their desires to harm the human for everything he has done to their fellow guards. Many ways to make sure the human doesn't walk, doesn't talk, and doesn't breathe. The moon shines in the night skies as the guards grins were display on their faces.

Back in Morgan's place, Rainbow Dash and Morgan exit in the elevator as the blue Pegasus was surprised to see the room they enter. The light in the room is blue with metal rectangular tables in rows of three as there were white containers on them with dirt and plants. The rows on the left and right were most plants as the middle row has fruits and vegetables to eat health. The scientist walks between the row of the plants and foods to see they are still in good conditions from his absence. Rainbow Dash was amazed for Morgan's way to grow himself food as they walking through the tables. Behind the tables there was the Sears outlet refrigerator at the middle against the wall far back. Morgan walks to it the fridge and opens it to see more fruits and vegetables.

"Are you hungry? They are good snacks to eat," said Morgan as he grabs an apple.

"Can I get an apple?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Sure," respond Morgan as he reaches for another apple in the fridge and toss it to Rainbow Dash.

The blue Pegasus manages to hold the apple with her hooves as she smells it first. The scent was good before she brought it to her mouth. She on the fruit before her eye widens. She then begins to munch on the fruit as Morgan smiles to see the Pegasus eating it alive.

"Oh my Celestia! These apples are great. They taste like Applejack's apples!" Rainbow said as she was left the apple to its core.

"Well, I manage to find an apple that a pony made once. When I was hungry, I manage to keep the seeds and grow my own apples," Morgan explained. "By the way can you hand me to seeds?"

Rainbow Dash pulls the seeds off the apple's core and hand it to Morgan. Morgan then walks to a container on the middle table that only has dirt. He digs small holes on the dirt and put each seed in. After that, he covers the hole with dirt.

"Since you have seen my planting room and my science room, how about we go back up to my living space," spoke Morgan as he walk to the elevator with Rainbow Dash following him behind.

The two enter the elevator as Morgan pressed the top button to go up. Rainbow Dash looks at the buttons and notice the second bottom button with a tag D.T.S.

"Hey Morgan, what about that button?" asked Rainbow Dash as she points the button.

Morgan looks at it and looks away. Rainbow Dash was confused to see Morgan respond like that.

"Hey what's wrong?" she asked innocently.

"That button is not a button you should know," said Morgan as the elevator doors open.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Rainbow Dash as the two exit the elevator and enter the living room.

Morgan then turn to Rainbow Dash with a sadden face.

"That button is where I have my test subjects in."

"What? You mean...?"

"I never got rid of their bodies. It would be a waste to get rid of them if it won't be able to study the anatomy of their bodies."

"But Morgan, the rest will think you're a monster if they see you have many bodies with you."

"I know, but... I need then to study them to see how I can improve my serum."

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