Chapter 9: The Last Human at His Will

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Morgan opens the garage door to exit the apartment with the red Convertible he had used before. He drove the car to the outside before closing the garage and driving off. He starts driving with the normal speed of 30 miles per hour, which give him an amount of time to look over the surroundings of the city. It has never been so peaceful, yet so silence without anybody else living in the city. Yeah, just Morgan against the world he has to adapt to survive his loneliness.

It was only silence that made the human put music in his radio to stopping thinking of being alone. He had no idea what song he out to play, but at least it stops him to be weaken from having a hallow living. His mind knew that it's another weakness that could bring him down to his foes. He always knew his foes are watching him to make a mistake to take advantage of him.

The mind of the human closed as he begins to hear the song. The song sounds like a 1930's tune he could calm down and continues his business. While driving through his humble city, the song made Morgan much relief as he begins to hear the song, which he knew it was called, "I Don't Want to Set the World On Fire," by The Ink Spots.

The Ink Spots - I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire | Google Play

I don't want to set the world on fire
I just want to start a flame in your heart
In my heart I have but one desire
And that one is you no other will do

I've lost all ambition for wordy acclaim
I just want to be the one you'd love
And with your admission that you'd feel the same
I'll have reach the goal I'm dreaming of believe me
I don't want to set the world on fire
I just want to start a flame in your heart

In a sudden moment, the human felt his car was hit by an unknown force, strong enough to make the car go up in midair. He could still hear the music as the human was seeing himself getting upside down. The vehicle flips up in to the side of the street before crashing on a large window from an old clothes shop. It was now fully silence as the car was damage while being upside down and the song was mute from the destruction. The gasoline line, the motor, everything built in the vehicle was destroyed from that sudden force.

Morgan opens his eyes to see himself still sitting at the driver's seat while hanged upside down. He looks around to see his car pretty damage. The windows shattered, the back seats torn, and there was a smell of gasoline leaking from the dead vehicle. He has to get out if there was gasoline leaking out, or else he'll be a BBQ. The human adjust himself to get off from his seat slowly. As he was able to lie on the ceiling of the car, he begins to kick the damaged door to be able to escape. He kicked multiple times before he heard a creek among the car door. He then continues to kick the door before it drop against the ground.

Morgan crawls to the opening to stand on the outside. He notice he was surrounded by mannequins which appears to be shaped as women with clothing women would like to buy for their beauty. He was confused to what is happening right now. One minute he was enjoy music in his vehicle, and the next thing you know, your car is brutally damaged and you're surrounded by mannequins. What the heck is going on?

The man walks to a shattered mirror on the floor near his vehicle. He checks himself to see there were no wounds on him, yet he was aching in pain and the gym clothes he was still wearing was torn and stain with dirty mark on the jacket only from the car accident. He took a step back, only to have fake plastic arms around him. He turns to see a mannequin with a yellow dress on, which he blushed to get to feel touched by another woman. He steps forward to the shattered window his Convertible crashed through. There was no sign of anything outside as the human still see nothing but ruins of Culver City covered in roots.

"How did my car ended up crashing here?" asked Morgan, still feeling the pain on his body. "It felt like something hit my car to get me to crash here. The question is who or what did this mess?"

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