Chapter 3: The Humans Destroyed the World

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Morgan step off the elevator to take a view of the room he was living in. The room is colored in brawn gold and brown stripes marvel wall, the floor is carpet of red, and there were a lot of items on the room. There was boxes stacked against every wall, priceless paintings like Blue Boy hanged on the first wall near the balcony door, a large T.V. on the second wall with buttons besides it, and there was thin white curtains on the two windows on the room at the forth wall and the balcony door. He also has a wooden shelves on next to the third wall near the door of his bedroom that was full of iconic items such as a red electric guitar with the signature under the bridges from the American singer and guitarist Prince at the top shelf with a glass case containing the white shimmering glove of Michael Jackson and an picture of himself in a navy blue suit with President Obama wearing a black suit on his left and Michelle Obama wearing a red professional dress on his right. Each individual smiled in joy when the picture was taken from 2016. At the middle shelf, there was a samurai sword with a black case that has a golden dragon on the side of it, a case with a golden pistol in it, and a diploma of a master's degree of science. At the bottom shelf, it's actually the largest one than any of the shelves, for there was a collection of automatic weapons lined up facing up. Each weapon was being held by a short opening from a board attached.

At the middle of the room, there's a small wooden table at the center of the living room. At the small table, there are two wooden chairs against the table, facing each other with a status with arms in one of them. The status looks like Julius Caesar with brown china skin, a brown sheriff hat on top of its head, sun glasses on its face, and a royal king cape attach on the neck and on its back. The status only face down on the table as there's a chess board with the chess pieces ready to be play.

Morgan walked towards the center of the living on the right to be near the table. He began to pull off his dress shirt and his long sleeve collar shirt off with sweat running on his body, revealing his six-pack, his muscular chest, and his traps. His arms are a bit muscular only from the biceps and triceps. As he was holding his shirts, he only stares at the status of Julius Caesar with exhaustion on his face.

"Hi there Caesar, have you move any of the pieces?" he asked to the status, which the status was only in silence.

Morgan looked at the chessboard to check if Caesar hasn't cheated this time. "Well then, it looks like you didn't cheat again. Another day, another dollar."

He placed his clothing on the spine of the chair, for he pulled it away from the table to sit on it. He pulled himself against the table for him to face the status. He notices the status only face down. He reaches his hands on the status' head, just to have it make eye contain with him. He smiled to get his only friend in the game of good fashion chess. As Morgan was going to begin the game, he remembered something.

"Oh shoot! I almost forgot to put my favorite music on for this chess game," said Morgan in excitement to slam his against the table. "Why didn't you tell me I needed to put my music on when we begin our game Caesar?! You need to remember what we need to do in our chess games."

He walked towards the second wall with the television set on the wall. He then began to press the on button to turn on the T.V. He went through a selection of lists on his television before he got to the music list. He looked at the music list, trying to figure out what type of music he should put as. He's a big fan of music of any kind, well except for rap music. In his mind, he wanted to put other classic soul qualities, so he looked through the music list of soul qualities.

Before he selected what music he wanted to put, he began to hear commotions outside of his apartment. The sounds of the royal guards and one of the princesses just laughing like sinister made Morgan uncomfortable. The human walked towards the balcony door. He began to unlock the door and pushed the curtains away. The door opened with Morgan walking out shirtless with his anger being held back inside of him upon the ponies. He was holding on the rail of the balcony, moving his head side-ways in disapproval.

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