Chapter 34: Insanity and Secrets

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Morgan look around horrified how the mutated individuals were worshiping mankind's dangerous weapon. He wants to get out of the place; pretend it was Luna's doing to torture him. But no, he realizes that humans who have not been fully turned to a pony have lost touch of reality. The magic serum of the ponies make people forget their human lives and put in false memories of being a pony. Well, these individuals have not fully change, so they have not fully have completely sanity.

"Morgan Neville, will you please speak to everyone here in attendance. I think they would be delighted to hear someone who is gifted to be fully human still," said Lexington.

Morgan looks at the mutated individual and he decides to walk forward. He looks at the large crowd of mutated individuals in their hoodie outfits. He then looks at the nuclear bomb in disgusted and then looks back at the audience.

"Um... Greetings, you guys know I'm Morgan Neville," he introduced himself with the crowd clapping for him. "Thank you. I just want to say that I'm in a list of words seeing all you guys here. It's surprising that you guys are alive and I admire you guys approaching me as your angel. That being said, I want to say that you guys don't have to hide."

The crowd look at each other confuse of what Morgan has said. Lexington also looks at Morgan confused.

"I'm a scientist who has made a cure for humans. I can cure you guys!"

The crowd was whispering to each other, talking about how it was crazy that someone has found a cure for their mutation. Morgan continue to watch the crowd, seeing some were beginning to deny his statement

"You're lying!" shouted one of the hooded people.

"There's no cure! We are stuck like this!" shouted another one.

"There is a cure! I have made a cure from my own blood! Why can't you guys believe me!?" Morgan yells in anger, but the crowd start to boo him.

Morgan was going to walk out of the stage, but two hooded individuals hold him back. He then pushes both of them off him. They fell down and he look around to see an incoming mutant charge at him. Morgan quickly kicks the individual off the stage to crash to some group of mutated individuals. The crowd was beginning to approach the stage as Morgan was ready to fight.

When the crowd was about to get up stage, Morgan quickly begin to knock them away from the stage. The rest continues to go to the stage while the human scientist continues to push them off. As he was busy pushing off the individuals, he was hit in the back of the head that cause him to drop down and lose consciousness. Above him was Lexington, who was holding a medal stick.

"Brothers, sisters, I have come to realize that this human has lost his mind," spoke the leader. "He was alone for so long that he thinks that there's a cure. He has gone mad to think of that because there's no such thing in this world. We accept ourselves more than man or more than a pony. We are both of them and the Alpha has accepted as we are. Quick, put Morgan in a cell."

The group of mutated individuals begins to lift Morgan up and take him away. Lexington then walks up to the nuclear bomb and he begins to let it.

"I'm sorry you have to see this, but I guess he's not the one who's going to help us."

The hooded individuals walk to a room where there were cages. They open one of the cages so they can put the human in. They lock up the cage and they all walk away, all but one. One of the hooded figure crotches down to look at Morgan in the as he was unconscious, then look at his bearded face and his torn and dirty clothes. The hooded figure points its horn glow in blue to adjust Morgan to a comfortable position to rest. Morgan move around as he smiles.

"I can't believe I find you, Morgan, after all these years." The figure spoke before it walk away.

In Canterlot, Celestia and Luna were glaring at their guards while they try to look away from their death stares in the throne room. The princesses walk around the terrified guards.

"Morgan was out there in his hometown, and you were ambush by the changelings?" asked Celestia as she walks in front of the guards.

"Yes," said one of the guards.

"So the changelings knows there's a human and you say that Morgan help you escape with Rainbow Dash?"

The guards slowly nod in response. Luna was surprised to hear that Omega actually help the guards while Celestia knew Morgan would help the ponies one day.

"That's great news to hear that Morgan has helped you," said Celestia cheerfully. "But now we need to talk with Queen Chrysalis about Morgan. Get ready to follow me and my sister."

"Yes Princess Celestia!" respond the guards as they exit the throne room.

"I can't believe it! Omega decides to help the guards this time instead of chopping them like an animal," said Luna as she looks out of the window. "Even thinking about it makes me feel I lost my mind."

"But Luna, Morgan has help our guards escape. That means that they would think that Morgan has seen the error of his ways. Then we can have him and change him to a pony. Even if his good deed has help our guards escape from the changelings with Rainbow Dash, we can't let the pony population know that there's still a human exist."

"You are right sister. If anypony see that the human has become innocent, then we will be judge as the villains," said Luna. "We just need to talk with Queen Chrysalis about him. Otherwise she could use this against us."

Celestia nod her head before the two princesses leave the throne room. However, Twilight Sparkles open one of the door slowly, surprised of what the princesses of Equestria have plan for Morgan. She didn't realize that they want the human's population to be forgotten until she saw how they try to cover it up like a big secret. Maybe it was a secret that she wasn't meant to know. Not only that, but Morgan did save the guards, said why were the princesses try to change him to a pony if he did a good deed.

"I need to tell the others about this. If Morgan is good, then I could figure out a way for a human to coexist with ponies."

Twilight then summon a teleportation spell to disappear from the throne room.

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