Chapter 16: Meeting Another Specie (Finding a New Friend)

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Morgan Neville continues to follow alongside the Timberwolves around him. The journey to get back to his home was long, but he must go to continue his research. He looks at the Timberwolves to realize he has been alone throughout the years of isolation of any human contact. Loneliness was always Morgan's days as he would do his activities without anybody else. He then believe the Timberwolves could have the same feeling as he knew the Timberwolves were also trying to survive, which would make sense to why they are helping him get back home.

'I still can't get over the fact that these Timberwolves, the creatures that didn't want to get near, is actually helping me getting out of Canterlot,' thought Morgan as he has remembered the rivalry and issue between him and the Timberwolves.

It seems it was just yesterday that they were enemy who had to hunt for food, which would led to fights between them.

'If only they were friendly back then, this would help me have alliances to fight off some of the pony guards stalking me as if I was a target. Oh wait, I'm in trouble because of my quote on quote crimes for trying to save my race. I'm a scientist. The one and only got damn human scientist! I'm all that's left of my race."

Morgan's thought continues to bring back the harmful effects of his loneliness. He is still the last human in Equestria and all he can do is try to find a cure for the pony's magical serum. He could have the cure if he made it earlier. That would have solved the problem between the humans and ponies.

Date: August 1, 2016

Time: 2:35 p.m.

Location: Culver City

"Look daddy, I can fly very high!" spoke a young yellow Pegasus with brown mane and tail flying up to 40 feet to the air. The young Pegasus giggled before she landed smoothly to the ground. "Did you see that dad?"

"Sorry little Pegasus, I'm just too busy caring the packages to get out stuff to the new apartment," said Morgan with a white T-shirt and blue jeans caring four boxes. "I'll see you flying when we get settle in Kim."

"Do you need help honey," said his wife Natalie as she walk on four hooves seeing her husband struggling to hold on the boxes. "I can carry those packages for you if they're too heavy."

"No thank you. You did more work than I did with your magic," said Morgan while breathing heavily to carry heavy items.

"I'll still help you babe," said Natalie using her magic to have all four of the boxes to be care by a blue aura. "I'm surprised how much I can care with this magic."

Morgan sighed in exhaustion with his hands sore. He then saw his daughter flying high in the sky to amaze him. He can see how happy Kim was and he didn't have a problem with it. He can see how she then pause in the air and look at the sun with happiness. Morgan then look at the sun to remember Celestia controls the sun and it represents her. Kim then flies down to him and walk to him.

"Dad, when can you meet Celestia?" asked Kim with curiosity.

"Excuse me sweetie?"

"When can you meet Celestia? I bet she can help stop people from hurting ponies."

Morgan couldn't believe his little daughter notice the issue the humans and ponies had since the magical serum has decrease the human population dramatically. After all, those issues made Morgan move his family from downtown Los Angeles to Culver City. Many people at downtown were against ponies and people who changed into ponies. Even his best friends and kids who knew Kim started to hate them, so moving to a better place would be the best choice.

"I don't know Kim," respond Morgan. "Celestia doesn't allow people to meet other than Obama and the Congress."

He can see disappointment in his daughter's eyes. He doesn't like to see her blue.

"But I can talk to Twilight Sparkles. I can talk with her," said Morgan in a cheerful tone.

"Really?! That would be great! Thanks daddy!"

Morgan sighed how he remembered the time he moved away from any human protesters, since some start to fight against pony residents. He forgot how he had to protect his family from humans, which also made him an enemy to those protesters. He's really making a lot of enemies during his time. It's like a hobby.

"How many times I have been hated?" Morgan asks himself.

One timberwolf look at him confused and just cuddled up to him. Morgan smiles by its comfort, which he pet its wooden back.

"Well, at least I have you guys as my friends."

In his comfort zone, a growl emerges from one of the Timberwolves. The human notice this as a warning. He looks around in his surroundings only seeing trees. He looks around again to notice something is coming to their direction. It was rushing towards their area vigorous, so Morgan then looks at the Timberwolves with worries.

"You guys need to go away! I think those are the Mare Six looking for me. Go!"

The Timberwolves refuse to take his command. They don't want him to be taken away from them. They want to fight against the ponies.

"This is not your fight, its mine." said Morgan before he run towards its direction.

The Timberwolves look at Morgan going away, yet they can't do anything right now. They begin to run away, yet the smaller timberwolf was hesitant to go anywhere away from the human. The human quickly pause at one point before he hid himself behind a tree. His heart beat fast from running close to what's coming. He waits to hear it approach as he now witness it arrival. Morgan was amazed to see was appears to be a different creature. Morgan never since another race if creature other than ponies.

Morgan, for being the last human alive, has found out ponies weren't the only ones in Equestria. No, what he was seeing was a Griffin with brown and white feathers, large wings, and a brown tail. It looks around its area as Morgan continues to hide behind a tree. He couldn't believe it himself. The human then heard the griffin move away, but as he look the griffin strike the human. Morgan felt his stomach in pain as a griffin look at Morgan surprised. The griffin back away from Morgan as he was getting up.

"What are you?!" shouted the griffin that sounds feminine.

Morgan look horrified before he began to run away from the griffin.

"Hey, where are you going?!" shouted the griffin again.

As fast as he can run, the pain on his stomach slows him down. He stops to see the griffin right behind him before enrage animal scratch him from its hawk like claws on his back. He fell in pain as he fell on the ground again feeling the scratch marks sting him.

"I don't know what you are, but I'm not going to be nice if you try running away from me again!" shouted the female griffin.

Morgan cried loud in pain before getting up. He always wants to hide away from any creature, or any pony for his safety. Now he was facing his big issue, which is defending himself without his equipment or guns. He was unprotected to get away from the griffin.

"Well?" spoken the griffin.

Before Morgan had any chance to speak, a small timberwolf attacked the griffin unexpectedly. The female griffin begins to roar in fury as she tries to get the small timberwolf off her back. She felt a bite on her wings, causing her to fly to a near tree to hit it. Morgan heard the small timberwolf cry in pain, which made him dash to the griffin. The timberwolf got off the griffin, yet she felt pain on her face from a punch by Morgan.

The human then pick up the small timberwolf and sprint as the griffin was recovering from the punch by a human. He begs for God the small timberwolf didn't got seriously hurt from that impact. He just hopes he can save a life. While running, he can see some paw prints from other Timberwolves, and it can lead Morgan to the groups of Timberwolves.

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