Chapter 28: Another Way

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Rainbow Dash looks around to search for Morgan. She flies in the sky searching in the abandon city. She continues to search until she spotted his car parked in front of the library. She descends to the ground and peek in the car to see he wasn't in there. She then look at the library and walk to the isolated place. She enters the building see only darkness and wore out surroundings. The blue Pegasus walk through the library while looking at the books the library has. She then spots a ray of light. She quickly walks to the ray of light to see Morgan on his knees crying with two ponies chuckling at him. Seeing him in pain made Rainbow Dash angry before charging at one of the ponies.

"Why would you try to forget about us Morgan? And you cheated on me with Twilight Sparkles?!" shouted Natalie.

"It wasn't like that. I have to do it, it was my only to get out of that dungeon," Morgan spoke with tears running down his cheek.

"You disappoint me Morgan. I thought I could trust you, but you are much worse than the ponies."

Morgan cries while his wife Natalie and his daughter Kim was making him feel like a terrible monster. He wasn't a monster; he was a lost soul who needs comfort from his love ones. Instead they are punishing him for his efforts and crimes he has committed. Without warning a blue push Natalie away from Morgan. Morgan looks up to see Rainbow Dash on top of Natalie. He wanted to speak, but he couldn't from how much mistreating he got. He watch in tears as Rainbow Dash holds down Natalie.

"What the hay is wrong with you ponies?! He's trying to get his race back you big jerk!" shouted Rainbow Dash in anger.

Natalie only giggled before she begins to glow green. Morgan watch in confusion as Natalie change from herself to a black pony that looks like a bug. It then charges at Rainbow Dash as the two battles each other. He turns to see Kim also change to the creature. In all his work he has never these kinds of ponies before. He wonders if it was a side effect from the magic serum or a mutation. The big like pony charge at Morgan, but Morgan duck and grab his shotgun. He aim his gun at the creature as it look at him with an evil grin.

"That was a good amount of love you have in you. You really want your race to come back. It's too late for that, but our Queen will like this place for her kingdom and you to give her your love."

The bug like pony laughs menacingly before Morgan pulls the trigger. The other big like pony look at Morgan in shock before it was knock out by Rainbow Dash. Morgan then walks to the knock out creature and aim his shotgun at it. As he was about to pull the trigger to end it's life, Rainbow Dash stand right in front of him.

"Rainbow Dash, move out of the way! I want to kill it myself," Morgan said in rage.

"Morgan, you can't such kill your problems away. It will haunt you if you do," said Rainbow Dash.

"Those freaks play with my feelings. No one will play with my feelings. What are those things anyway?!"

"Those things are called Changelings," explained Rainbow Dash.

"Changelings?" said Morgan in confusion.

"Yes, these things are like mimickers. They change to your friends or family just to live off love. Love is what makes them live and what they fed off of. They would do anything to get what they want."

Morgan nods while understanding what kind of species it is. He walks to the knock out changeling as he touches its skin. It was hard like an exoskeleton. He them look at its face. He notices its ears are pointy as fangs appear on the lips. This was a new discover for Morgan such as it was his first time seeing these kind of species.

"We must take it to the lab," he spoke out loud.

"What? Why do you want to take it to the lab?" asked Rainbow Dash.

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