Chapter 38: A Deal with the Changelings

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"What are we doing here sister? This is crossing enemy lines!"

"If we need to learn more about what happened to Rainbow Dash and our royal guard, we must talk with Queen Chrysalis."

Celestia and Luna descend from the skies to land close to where the changelings hive is at. The two rulers could only see the dry and gray environment surround them. The hive looks tore and broken down. The sky was fully gray from the dark clouds covering the ray of the sun. The two princess move forward approaching the hive. They look up to see some changelings hissing at them. Luna was ready to shoot a beam at them, but Celestia gave her a glance to hold on to her action.

The two princesses enter to hive with their colors lighting to dark environment. They look around to see an army of changelings staring at them with hunger. They were ready to feed off their love, but they knew the two princesses of Equestria were too much for the hungry creature. Celestia and Luna knew they would behave so starving, yet they notice a shortage of them.

"Where is your queen? We must speak with her," said Celestia with anticipation.

The changelings continue to lick their lips and their sharp teeth waiting for a chance to feast on their love.

"You creatures will tell us where your queen is! This is urgent for us to speak," Luna spoke with much impatience in her voices.

"Oh my, is that Celestia and Luna, the princesses of Equestria?"

The changelings move away for their queen's appearance to show Queen Chrysalis approaching them with a smirk. The changelings went behind their queen waiting for what she will command them.

"You two continue to make me hate everything about you."

"We came here for a reason," Celestia begin the conversation.

"Oh yes, and does it happen to be involved with your royal guards and one of your Elements of Harmony getting hurt?"

"Don't start playing your game changeling. We know you attack our guards without any proper reason," Luna mentioned.

"Oh Luna, I have to have my loyal subjects be able to protect themselves. Your guards were the ones who attacked."

"That is nonsense, we won't attack you unless you try to threaten taking over Equestria again," Celestia said as she was aiming her horn at the queen of the changeling.

Queen Chrysalis aims her horn at Celestia, with her changeling subject ready to strike. Luna also aims her horn, ready to defeat her sister and herself from the monstrous changeling army. It was very intense and suspense for the ruler of Equestria starting another battle with the changelings, but there was other things to focus on.

"Listen, we know you have also encountered something else other here, so tell us what you saw?" asked Luna.

Queen Chrysalis lightly chuckle as she stops aiming her horn at the royal princesses with her subjects holding on their intension to attack.

"Yes, I have encountered something... interesting. I have never seen this creature before, yet it was full of so much love and bravery that is far greater than you Celestia."

Celestia stop aiming her horn with much shock at what Queen Chrysalis have said.

"It was riding this large metal being that he can go in it and ride it. He has a weapon that can shoot a rain of fire towards my army. I may not know what it is, but I heard it hated you from the bottom of its heart. It hates the fact you almost made his race almost extinct. He has a bigger grudge than me. "

Luna and Celestia look at each other knowing the hatred Morgan/The Omega has for them. They have always observe this living human just in case he was going to harm Equestria they would just end him on the spot, but they underestimate Morgan. Morgan was intelligent enough to know how to survive and defend himself. Due to his daily work outs and balanced diet, he was able to defend himself against a royal guard with his machines too.

"And there was something else in him that made me thought you were involved," Queen Chrysalis. "He was surrounded by a rainbow aura."

"Rainbow aura? That can't be it! This is Omega we are talking. He doesn't have any indication of magic," said Luna, who didn't believe a mere human would have the abilities to use magic.

"Well Luna, he was covered in rainbow aura and he was fast, strong, and durable to fight my army of changeling, which some have lost their lives! I feel like you two are responsible for this thing! If you knew about it, then how come you didn't kill it when you have the chance, am I correct?"

Celestia look around inside the hive to notices some show signs of being harmed by Morgan. It was out of the ordinary, but she now knows Morgan was now an enemy of Queen Chrysalis. Still, the question still remain unanswered; why didn't they kill him when they find out he was alive. He was the scientist who tried to prevent the pony population from growing, he was the man every human look up to, and he was the only human working in the conversion bureau. So why didn't they killed him?

"It doesn't matter anymore," interrupted Queen Chrysalis. "I have killed it myself."

"What?!" shouted the princesses of Equestria.

"Yes, even though it had a strong magic, it wasn't able to stand against me. I shoot my beam to it and he fall off the large hill."

"Did you see the body?" asked Celestia, who could comprehend Morgan's greatest defeat against Queen Chrysalis.

"It fell through to ground from impacted. I'm fully sure it's dead. If it can't defeat me, then it can't come back."

"You would be surprised what the human can get away with," Luna mentioned. "We came here to warn you about the human."

"Human, is that what is it called? I thought it has a monstrous name than just a simple name."

"It's known as a human, but we came here to tell you that whatever you do you must keep a secret," said Celestia. "The entire Equestria has never discovered him or his habitat. If you begin to tell everypony about this, then it would make us seem like the bad guys."

Queen Chrysalis begins to laugh as the changeling army begins to laugh with her.

"Oh my, here the princesses of Equestria are the true villains. I thought I was bad enough to consume love off from your race, but you tried to get rid of the race that you dehumanized for your subjects to think they were the villains."

Luna glares at her for laughing at this time. It was a serious conversation that can't be taken lightly. If everypony knew what was going on behind the scene, then it would create an out cried. They have to get a new land to expand Equestria, and they manage to do it by getting rid of almost the entire human race. Celestia just watch as Chrysalis ended her fits of laughter.

"Fine, I'll keep this event a secret," Chrysalis spoke. "It was a tragic enough to lose some of my changeling and the rest injured, but it comes at a price."

The princesses knew it had to come down to this.

"What will be the price?" asked Celestia.

"I want that human's land. It would be a great expansion for my kingdom. Then later on I might have a bigger army to conquer Equestria."

"No, absolutely no! We would not do such a thing!" Luna argued furiously.

"Are you sure Luna, because I know there are many unaware subjects of yours who don't know your true colors?"

"We have to my sister," Celestia said. "Morgan is already been killed. There is nothing we can due but to keep it a secret and forget everything we know about him."

Luna glares at her sister, but she was right. Omega was gone and there's nothing they could but finally relax. She has always had a certain hate for Omega, but now he was gone there was nothing to do but to be the princess of the night again. Yet, her hate for Morgan was like a guilty pleasure for her and now it has come to its end.

"Find, you will get the land of Omega," Luna finally responds. "But let me tell you something. When you get his land, remember a cold feeling beside you because you are the one to kill him."

Queen Chrysalis smile in delight of the news. This was a great step for her race to expand and grow so she cans have more subjects and land with her. This was an opportunity for the changelings.

"Thank you Celestia and Luna," she said before she turned around with her back facing them. "Now you must go."

Celestia and Luna begin to exit the hive and they fly up to leave the dying land of the changelings.

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