Chapter 33: Second Discovery

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The woman continues to watch Morgan's videos in the computer. The video she was watching now as the video him as showing the alphabets. She watches in awe as she tried to pronounce the latter.

"Alight, this is the letter V. Can you say and pronounce the letter V?" asked Morgan in the video.

"V. V," the woman said.

The woman begins to make the V pronunciation. She forms her lips to pronounce the V letter. She then begins to continue to pronounce the letter.

"V can be words like visitor or victory. Can you can those words?" asked Morgan.

'V-Visi-Visitor," she pronounces the first word. "V-Vic-Victory."

Morgan smile at the smile before he went to get the nest letter card. The woman smile seeing Morgan happy, which she always feels happy when she sees the man smiles. She enjoys seeing how he acts innocent. She continues to watch the video as he start with the next letter.

Morgan says up while sweating and breathing heavily. He look around to see he didn't have has clothes but his underwear on. He looks around where he was to see he was what looks like a cave like environment. He sigh as this must have mean he was capture by those diamond dogs, yet he notice he was covered in bandages on his arms, legs, stomach and chest. He slowly got as he wince in pain. He looks around to see he was lying on a mattress with a blanket on the dirty floor.

'Where am I?" asked Morgan as he limp around the wall.

He touch the wall to see it was soft with dirty and what seems to be roots. He turns around to see a lamp by the mattress he was laying on. The human scientist crotch down and walk to the lamp and see it was connects to an extended wire. He looks where the wire was at to witness a curtain. He stood up and was about to remove the curtain, but something beaten him to it. He back away as two hooded figure stand at the opening. Morgan looks around and grabs the lamp. The two figures approach him, but he swing the lamp them.

"Back off! Back off!" he shouted as he used the lamp as his weapon.

"It's okay, we're not going to hurt you," spoke one of the hooded figure with a soft feminine voice.

'You're not?"

"No," respond the other hooded figure with a weak male voice. 'We are here to-"

Morgan quickly pushes them away as he ran out the room. He looks around to see he was in a tunnel like path. He begins to move as the two hooded figure chase after him. He limps his way to another pathway as he saw four more hooded figures. He turns around to see to go to a different pathway and he continues to move.

"I got to get to my place. The human subject needs to be taken care of; I need to copy my serum."

As he turn to what he thought was another path way, he instead enters a room that looks like a church. He notices many seats in rows and there was a stage at the front with a large cross on the wall. He walks in and was looking for another exit. He saw another opening to a different pathway, but as he tries to enter a hooded figure grab him by the throw. Morgan gasp for air as he struggle to get the hood figure grasp off.

"Why are you doing up?" asked the hooded figure who had a wise and manly voice. 'You must rest now. You are the only of your kind to not be-"

Before the hooded figure knew, Morgan swings a punch towards its face. The hooded figure drops to the ground as its hoodie uncovered his head. The other hooded figures enter the church like area to see Morgan strike their leader. They all were going to charge at Morgan, but the hooded figure held his hands up. His hands? Morgan saw two human hands held high as the hooded figure stood up with his back facing him.

"Don't worry my fellow member; this man has not seen us. He lost and confused."

Morgan was indeed confused. He looks at the other hooded figure as he notices some has hands like humans, but there were others with hooves. Morgan turns to the leader as the leader turn to face him. Morgan was terrified to see the man has black hair, a pale skin, and a blue eye on his left side of his face, but on his right was a face of a pony with blue fur, black mane, and bright eye eyes.

"I know you are afraid of what I look like child, but if you must know who I am I'll tell you. My name is Lexington Hall, and I am a mutated individual. I'm both man and a pony. And my fellow members are the same as I am."

Morgan turn around to see the other members remove their hoodie to see some have human face with hooves, some with hands but with a pony face, and others has a horn or wings on their backs he didn't notice until now. Morgan covered his mouth in shock. He couldn't believe there were humans who weren't fully changed to a pony. He couldn't believe there was till humans still alive and well but are mutated to have defects.

Suddenly, a bell begins to ring. The mutated humans look around and begin to seat on some of the chairs.

"Oh, it's time to prey for the Alpha," spoke Lexington as he walk on the stage. "Would you come with me...?"

"Morgan, Morgan Neville."

"Alright Morgan, can you come over here," said Lexington as Morgan got up the stage. "The rest is coming so just wait for them before we begin."

Morgan watch as there was more hooded figures entering the church like room. More begin to seat down on the seats that were provided. He looks around to see some staring at him. Morgan begins to feel nervous as he knew these mutated human hasn't seen a non-mutated human in their life time. The entire hooded figures sat on the seats as their leader Lexington walk forward on the stage to face them.

"Greetings brothers and sisters, we are gather here to bring excellent news," announced Lexington. "Standing here in front of your eyes is a fully non mutated human named Morgan Neville!"

The hooded figures begin to clap their hands as Morgan awkwardly waves at them.

"This is a sign that the Alpha has brought us an angel. An angel who has be gifted to be fully human. So we must praise the Alpha!"

The crowd begins to cheer as Lexington pull out a controller and press a big red button. Suddenly, the stage begins to open up with smoke emerging. Morgan watch as something begins to ascend on stage. The crowd either claps their hands/hooves or they were bowing as the thing emerged. Morgan back away from the thing as he couldn't believe these mutated people. In front of him on the stage was a nuclear bomb that was the same size as the bombs that hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The bomb has a word with black ink written The Alpha.

Morgan look around as the hooded mutates were praising the bomb like it was a higher power than God or the princesses of Equestria. He realized that this was old human dominance; to have bigger weaponry to run over other nations and have the urge to destroy such nations if things go haywire. This was the same reason why the ponies came over. There was a nuclear warfare that destroys their land and they punish them for it.

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