Memory Eight

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I remember when I first met Mason's family. It was Christmas Eve junior year and we had been dating for three months. I was so nervous. I literally changed like five times even though he kept saying it wasn't a big deal, it was to me. This was my first real relationship and my first time meeting someone's family. I was determined to make a great first impression.

He picked me up around 7 and we drove in complete silence the whole way there. The volume on Mason's car radio was so low that I could barely hear it. We drove for about 30 mins until we were outside of town. The houses started to get bigger and more spaced apart. We finally stopped in front of a nice ranch style home. Mason pulled into the driveway and I smoothed my dress before climbing out of the car. He grabbed my hand and led me to the door.

After we rang the door bell and stood there for a few moments, a woman with white hair and a big smile opened the door.

"Mason!" she exclaimed like she hadn't seen him in years. She pulled us both inside giving us big inviting hugs. Their house smelled of bread and baked dessert. It was warm and cozy like you imagine a grandma's house to be in the picture books you read as a kid.

"Hi nanna, I want you to meet my girlfriend Sky," Mason says once we reach the dining room. My cheeks turned red with embarrassment because there were so many people in the house. He pulled out a chair for me at the long rectangular dining room table and I sat down.

"Mason!" a deep voice yelled from the next room. I could feel him tense up next to me as a tall and very attractive older man walked into the room.

"Hey dad," Mason responded but he wouldn't look up at him. The room suddenly felt very tense. I think Mason's grandmother sensed it because she finally spoke.

"Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes." she said putting her hand on her son's back.
"Great, I'm starving..." I said awkwardly. They all ignored me. Suddenly I felt like I shouldn't have been there.

I looked up at Mason's dad. He looked sad. They didn't say anything after that. Mason introduced me to all his cousins, uncles, and aunts. His grandfather had passed away a few years ago from pancreatic cancer but he showed me old photos.

After dinner, we stayed awhile to watch Christmas movies with the kids and played cards with his uncles then we left.

On the drive home, I wanted to ask him why him and his father hadn't spoke in so long but I didn't want to pry. It would be brought up again later anyway.

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