Memory Ten

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When Amber and I were in middle school we were completely obsessed with the idea of one day losing our virginities. Every weekend that Amber slept over we stayed up all night watching chick flicks where the girl always ended up with the perfect ending. We were young and naïve and we just knew that it would be the same for us. We imagined romance and perfection not awkwardness, pain, or the fact that you can only lose it once so you better choose wisely. 

One day while we were sitting on the couch watching Hannah Montana, Joseph and Drew came into the house sweaty from playing basketball down the street at Jason's. The guys were 16 at the time. Drew sat on the love seat and Joseph took the chair opposite it. 

"Can you guys go somewhere else please?" I said glaring at the both of them.

"You don't own the living room Sky," Joseph said. Normally I wouldn't have asked them to leave but they walked in at the worst possible time. We weren't really watching Hannah Montana, we were talking about sex. But talking about sex with your older brother around is kind of impossible or so I thought, but as usual Amber was unafraid to speak her mind.

"How'd you lose your virginity Jo?" she asked popping her gum. I think Joseph almost choked on his spit.

"I'm not talking about my sex life with you children." he said as if he were our father.

"Whatever. If you're still a virgin just say that loser." Amber said teasingly. I knew she was just saying that to get him to tell us.

"Love I've been having sex since freshman year."

"Tell mom and I'll beat the f--- outta you!" he said turning to me before laughing.

"How'd it happen Jo?" Amber asked completely engaged in the conversation. I pretend to faint falling onto the floor wailing my arms.

"Can we please not do this..." I beg which was the wrong thing to say because now that he knew I wasn't interested in hearing about his disgusting underage sex life, he was going to tell us. I looked over at Drew for help but he was texting away on his phone. I knew he lost his virginity to his girlfriend BreAnne. I still wasn't over it even though I knew he would never want me anyway. I was too young.

"It was Rachael McGee she was a junior. She used to tutor me in my math turns out that wasn't the only thing she wanted to teach me." he said smiling in a reminiscent way. 

"She took me out to her Kia one day during lunch and went down on me. Yep, I lost it to an older chick."

This had to be the most gross thing I'd ever heard. Amber was intrigued. I could tell as her eyes got big and she leaned in to him like a kindergartener during story time. I pretended to hurl.

"My work here is done." Joseph said after seeing my face.

"I swear I hate you." I said under my breath.

"I wouldn't want it any other way." he said smiling. Then him and Drew went to play the game upstairs leaving Amber and I alone again.

"Who do you think will lose it first?" she questioned.

"Definitely you." I assured her. She laughed.

I was right.

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