Memory One

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It was junior year when I met him. I was sitting in the library reading when he approached me. He was a senior, new to town and I'd heard about him through every girl including my best friend Amber, but I'd never seen him until then.

He was cute. Brown hair, hazel eyes, gorgeous dimples, and he had a nice smile. He looked adorable but like he wasn't afraid to kick anyone's ass if it came to it. He didnt say anything at first. He just stood in front of the table I was sitting at. Backpack on one shoulder, staring at me. I pretended not to see him though. I just kept reading unti he sat down that is... I turned my book face down and glared at him.

" What are you doing?" I asked him pretending to be annoyed when really I was curious. It had been a year since I'd seen Drew, six months since we had a phone conversation and I was ready to move on. I was tired of waiting for him. I was ready to live. Date boys like a normal teenage girl.

"Is it okay if I sit here? I dont know anyone else." he says smiling in a knowing way. I actually laughed out loud. The librarian gave me the stare.

"Lies," I say. "You've been here for like two weeks, you're cute, you're on the football team now. Everyone knows you. You have friends."

"Did you just say I'm cute?" his smile broadened. I blushed.

"I'm not saying that. Every girl in school's been saying that. I've never even seen you until now. By the way, I am trying to read you know."

" So you don't think I'm cute?" he pretends to be sad.

" Could you stop asking me questions?"

" Fine, I'm Mason. What's your name?"

" Urgh I said no questions. I don't have a name."

"Ok, I'm gonna call you 'no name'."

"Fine." I say starting to read again.

"LOL! I'm kidding. I already know your name. Sky." he says suddenly. I drop my book.

"How do you know--"

"I saw you in the hall at school and and the guys told me all about you. You're the girl that won't give any guy the time of day. You turn down every guy who's ever asked you out, you're beautiful, quiet, you don't talk to alot of people. So what's your secret? Are you a lesbian or something?" I glare at him and start reading again.

"You're not gonna turn me down though, are you?" he says looking me in the eyes. I had to look down to avoid his gaze. He was absolutely gorgeous. I couldn't speak so instead, I closed my book, shoving it into my bag, before getting up.

" So is that a yes or no?" he asks. I turn around.

"I'll think about it," is all I say.

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